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Hey people! So, I hope you all have forgiven me for not updating in forever. This story is almost over, I just have to wrap up a few loose ends. Let me know if anything is still unclear for you so I can add it in.

Leo was recovering, though he did most of it sleeping. And Hazel hadn't left his side, unless someone else wanted a moment with him.

Sometimes she would read Frank's copy of The Art of War, but mostly, she would just sit and talk to Leo as he slept. She felt the need to tell him everything that had happened, even if he couldn't hear her. Also, if Hazel admitted to herself, she needed to talk to someone, but hadn't been able to look anyone in the face since they'd gotten back.

So that's where Hazel was when suddenly the tent flap opened, and several people entered. What was left of the seven was there, with quite a few people from the Vulcan...Hephaestus cabin.

Hazel stood, thinking that they wanted to have some privacy.

"No, it's all right," Jason said, "You can stay."

They gathered around the bed as Hazel resumed her seat. Percy had a hand on Annabeth's back and was looking at Leo with the regret only Percy would be able to muster. Jason and Piper stood at the foot of the bed, Piper's eyes were puffy, and Jason looked nervous.

"Do you want me to wake him up?" Hazel asked.

"...If that's okay," Jason answered, "But if you think he should sleep some more..."

Hazel gently shook Leo's shoulder. He moaned quietly and his eyes blinked open.

"What is it?" Then he noticed all the people standing around his bed, "Holy Hephaestus!"

Hazel propped Leo's head up so he could see better.

"Leo," Jason said hesitantly, "Since you were obviously distraught about the loss of your arm...well, I thought of something that might make you feel a little bit better."

"Uh, wait," Leo protested, "I don't-"

A girl in a bandanna stepped forward holding a long cardboard box.

"Nyssa?" Leo begged.

The girl smiled, then lifted the lid of the box. Inside, was a shiny, celestial bronze, mechanical arm.

Hazel looked at Leo to gauge his reaction. He stared at the arm for a long time, not saying anything.

"We made sure it could withstand extremely high temperatures," Nyssa explained, "Plus, we added a lot of extensions like a mini chainsaw, a spark plug, and it can shoot up to fifteen-hundred degree flames at controlled intensities. You can do all this with barely a thought, it works just like a normal arm."

Leo was silent for another moment, then he said, rather shakily, "Nyssa could you come here for a minute?"

Nyssa stepped closer to the bed. And Leo let go of Hazel's hand to grasp Nyssa's tightly, "Thank you," Leo's voice was watery.

She smiled, "It was Jason's idea."

Leo looked at Jason and a moment passed between them where they just looked at each other, smiling. For some reason Hazel had never understood it before, but now she could see how Jason and Leo could have been best friends.

"Could you..." Leo asked, "Put it on?"

It took several hands to prop him up and more to attach the mechanical arm. Apparently they had to apply a sensor on the back of his scalp that could...sense his brain waves or something. Hazel didn't really understand it.

At last everyone stepped back and Hazel placed some pillows behind Leo's back so he could sit up. Leo studied his new arm for a moment, than wiggled the fingers experimentally.

"I don't recommend trying any of the other extensions in here," Percy said hurriedly.

The metal fingers suddenly caught flame. Several people jumped, but Leo just laughed and extinguished the flames.

Hazel smiled, it would be hard without his own arm, but Leo would be able to have fun with this one.

"Well," Leo started to say, but couldn't seem to think of the words.

Hazel put a hand on his arm - the one he'd always had.

He looked over at her, and he smiled, "Thanks. Thank you everybody."

Dedication goes to...(drum roll please)...hello_its_ellie! She was the first one to comment! (Applause!)

Also, if you guys would be so kind, I could really use some more reads on all my other stuff, (there's a lot more fanfic than this, believe me), especially on my story called, "I Wish." I need to know how you feel about it because I'm entering it into a contest. Thanks for being awesome!

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