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Annabeth stood, trembling, facing a twenty foot giant. She didn't have time to register which one it was, before he had swept her off her feet with his spear, and prepared to step on her. Luckily she rolled out of the way just in time. 

Off to her right, Athena fought with so much vigor, Annabeth figured she must have been brooding over how best to destroy children of Tartarus for the past millenia. Which she probably had. On Annabeth's left, Piper was shouting out food at the top of her lungs.

"EAT YOUR BROCOLI!" And a head of brocoli shot out of her cornocopia.

"Watermellon up your nose!" That picture would have gotten a ton of likes on Facebook.


Annabeth cursed, the Giant regained his footing and tried to step on her again. Annabeth rose and tried to escape the enormous foot. Unfortunately, his big toe hit her in the back and she grunted as she fell. Frantically, she scrambled out of the giant's path, but it was no use, (he was about twenty feet taller than her after all). He leaned down and picked her up, pinning her arms to her sides. Struggling with all her strength against the giant's grip, Annabeth tried in vain to free herself.

The giant laughed, "Puny demigod! You went to all that trouble to rescue the son of Posiedon, and now, only to be captured yourself to be used in the ritual to wake the goddess."

The giant sqeezed tighter. Annnabeth struggled to breathe under the strain. Now, being an ADHD daughter of Athena, she tended to come up with some of her craziest plans when she was under stress or in a life threatening situation, so while Annabeth was in the air, she began to think.

Resorses. She didn't have many fifteen feet up in the air, but could she use something on the ground? The earth below her was a sea of monsters. Her ears rang with the sound of metal clanging against metal. Frantically, Annabeth searched for something she could use. There! The giants had set up a row of weapon replacements back by the altar. Annabeth's eyes siezed upon a hundred or so extra spears sticking straight up in the air. If Annabeth could get the giant to go in that direction...

About two seconds before the giant was about to step over the spears, Annabeth yelled, "Look behind you!"

"Huh?" The giant turned, and...snap! The giant howled as the spears embedded themselves in his foot.

On the upside, he let go of Annabeth, on the downside, she was fifteen feet up in the air. She sreamed as the ground came closer and closer. Five seconds before impact, four, three two, Annabeth closed her eyes. 

She landed on her right side, her shoulder plunging into the ground. Her left arm exploded in pain, and then began to go numb. She figured that was a bad thing. 


Annabeth's eyes shot open, the giant wasn't dead yet. She scrambled to her feet, her arm hanging uselessly at her side. She'd somehow managed to hold on to her knife during the fall. She gripped the knife in her left hand, and stood to face a twenty foot giant.

A spearhead decended on top of her, she rolled out of the way. The giant tried to stomp on her, she jumped, narrowly missing his disgusting reptillian toenails. 

"Missed!" Annabeth said, mostly to tell herself she was still alive.

"DIE!" He reached down to smash her with his fist, and she dug her dagger hilt-deep into his thumb. The giant roared.

Annabeth couldn't use her right arm at all, so she couldn't go completely on the offensive, but she continued to roll out of the way, hoping for some spark of brilliance to hit her. 

Percy Jackson Blood of Olympus (Percy Jackson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now