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Annabeth sensed Percy relax, and upon looking down, she saw he had fainted.

"Perceus Jackson," she scolded, "you're not doing this to me again, stay awake! Come on Percy...!"

She bent down and kissed his sweaty forehead.

She began to allow the self pity to envelope her for a moment. Why wouldn't Gaea leave them alone? Could they just live their lives for once, without the 'saving the world' part? Couldn't she just spend a few peaceful years alone with her amazing boyfriend? Of course not. Annabeth's expression hardened.

"Leo," she ordered, snapping her head up, "Can you make a makeshift stretcher?"

Leo perked up, "I dunno, you seen any metal lately?"

"Yes." Hazel said, raising her arms. All around them, pieces of iron and bronze erupted out of the earth.

"Man, that is so sweet!" Leo grinned at Annabeth, "One stretcher coming up!"

Annabeth studied the newcomers. She still didn't trust them. There was just this aura about them that made her feel apprehensive. Yet, they had helped them out of a sticky spot. But how had they known?

Hazel helped Piper make her way over to the group. Piper looked at Percy with concern, then raised her gaze to meet Annabeth's.

"Look at his hand," she said quietly.

Annabeth carefully picked up Percy's sword hand, and almost dropped it in shock!

His knuckles were bleeding from scrapes, probably from when Kampe slammed him against the wall. His actual hand was now bent in many unusual ways.

"That's definitely broken," the girl named Sadie stated, "Even I can see that much."

Annabeth loooked at her for a moment like, No way, really? but then Jaz spoke up.

"Broken bones are something I can fix."

She knelt next to Percy and held out her hand. Annabeth hesitated. She hardly knew this girl. Should she really entrust any part of Percy to her? But Jaz had helped Jason and Piper, and gave Leo something to regain his strength. Reluctantly, she handed Percy's arm to Jaz.

Percy Jackson Blood of Olympus (Percy Jackson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now