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Percy stood beside Festus the figurehead staring ahead, the wind whipping through his hair. He kept his eyes on the land mass in front of him. So close. After being gone so long, it seemed a miracle to be this near it.

Percy took in a deep breath of salty air. It filled him with stamina, even though it still hurt to breathe, and he could barely walk on his left foot. He gripped the rail to keep from putting too much weight on his injured leg.

Annabeth appeared at his side, "You okay?"

"Yeah," he didn't look at her, but watched land coming closer and closer, "What about you? Feeling any better?"

She put her hand over his, "Still a little light headed, but Jaz's potion helped a lot."

"Good," Percy sighed.

Percy saw Annabeth studying him out of the corner of his eye, "What?"

She smirked, "Why don't you just go?"

"Huh?" Percy could make out Long Island now.

"We're almost there, just jump over. It's what you want to do anyway."

He looked at her.

Annabeth laughed, "Go!"

He grinned, "Yes ma'am." He climbed up on the rail, putting minimal pressure on his injured leg, "See you in a minute."

Percy dived. When he hit the water, strength coursed through his body, healing his ribs and his leg almost instantly. He willed the water to propel him toward the island. Percy came above the water and ran across the surface, now a hundred yards in front of the Argo ll.

Ahead of him, was the beach he'd sat on so many times, surrounded by a huddle of trees. From which burst a girl with black spiky hair, silvery clothes, and a longbow strapped to her back, running toward him. Percy ran faster.

"Thalia!" he said as he reached her, throwing his arms around her.

She squeezed the breath out of him, "Don't you dare do that to me again!" she said, "I've been worried sick! All I could think about was that you and I never get along, and I never spend enough time with you, and-"

"Hey," Percy held her shoulders, "It's not your fault, it's in our blood. And you're still the best cousin I've ever had."


Percy looked over Thalia's shoulder. What looked like the entire camp, plus the Romans had gathered on the beach. The look on Octavian's face was priceless. The one who had spoken of course, was-

"Grover!" Percy hugged him too, "Gods, it's good to see you."

They held each other for a moment, then Grover pulled away, "You're back then, for good?"

"Yes. I won't be going on any quests for a while if I can help it."

Grover bleeted, "That's what you said last time."

"Brother!" A force the size of a bulldozer hit Percy in the side as Tyson hugged the air out of him, "You are not dead!"

Percy laughed, "Course not!"

"But he tried really hard!" Yelled a voice from behind them.

There was a great rumble behind him as the ship arrived in the bay. An exit ramp slid down and everyone filed out. Well, everyone except for Leo. The magicians hung back to let everyone get off first.

"Thalia!" Annabeth cried, hugging her friend.

Then several things happened at once:

Hazel flew into Nico's arms, sobbing. Nico looked a little flustered, and confused, but he held her. Jason and Piper approached Thalia, and Percy couldn't hold in his laughter as she smacked him around the head for getting shot by a couple of arrows. And at the same time, there was an enourmous cheer from Camp Halfblood as they all rushed forward and enveloped the seven in a rather suffocating embrace.

Percy Jackson Blood of Olympus (Percy Jackson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now