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"You're turn," Percy, said, "I told you what we are. Now what in Hades' name are you?"

Carter looked nervously at those seated around the table. Stepping forward slightly, he said, "This might be difficult to understand, so I'll tell you in the simplest way possible." He took a deep breath, "We're magicians, Egyptian magicians. And we're not talking about modern Egypt."

Percy nodded when Carter glanced at him uncertainly.

"We can do magic...uh, each of us is better at a certain type or element of magic. Like me, I specialize in combat magic."

The blond girl, that apparently liked to tease Carter said, "Oh now he's gonna like you! 'I specialize in' fighting? Really?"

Carter elbowed her in the ribs, and went on, "Now here's where it get's confusing. Now, understand, that the group that Sadie and I train  are a bit...unusual."

Percy lowered his eyebrows, "Meaning?"

Carter took a deep breath, "We follow the path of the gods. Something forbidden to do by the House of Life."

"What's that?" Leo asked.

"Doesn't matter," Carter waved him aside, "What you need to know is, we all chose a god, or a path to follow. We train best in that god or goddess's speciality."

Percy was confused, "So you choose a god? Why would anyone choose the war god? No offense."

Carter looked surprised at Percy's tone. But Annabeth explained, "He had a fight with Ares, the Greek god of war, a few years ago."

Carter nodded, suspiciously, "So when you called me a child of Ares, what did you mean?"

"Oh you know," Percy shrugged, "I was partly trying to figure out your godly parent, but it was also meant as kind of an insult...kind of...at the time..."

The girl Carter had called Sadie grinned at him, "Can I use that one?"

Annabeth cleared her throat, "It's not really offensive, usually being a child of Ares gains you a lot of respect, because of your military power."

Sadie looked disappointed and Carter rushed on, "Also, a tiny part of our side, some of us, that is to say a total of six magicians still living have or are...hosting gods."

He let this information sink in, but to Percy it made no sense, "What do you mean?"

The dark skinned kid with the apprehensive expression said quietly, "He means, some of us have had gods or goddesses sharing our bodies."

Percy looked at Carter and asked, skeptically, "Have you?"

Carter nodded slowly, "Before you go crazy," he said, as Percy started to rise incredulously to his feet, "It's not that unnatural...and most of us did it on accident. The gods chose us."

Percy sat back down, but still stared at Carter like he was an alien from outer space.

Jason spoke up, raising his head from where it had been resting in his left hand, "One of you still has a god in you."

Percy sensed it too, he nodded.

Annabeth mumbled, "So that's what it was."

"Um...which one of you is it?" Leo asked.

The black dude who spoke to Percy only twice before, walked forward, "Walt Stone and Anubis, the God of the dead." He looked at Percy straight in the eyes, and Percy could tell Walt didn't trust him one bit.

Percy Jackson Blood of Olympus (Percy Jackson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now