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Everything hurt. He felt bruises forming in places he didn't know he had. His head felt like Heapheastus was repeatedly banging on it with his hammer. His left leg was in an awkward position, and pain shot up from about the knee area, but he couldn't move. Something heavy was on his chest, and it hurt to breathe. His thoughts started to clear. There was someone on the rock next to him, a hand snuck its way under his head, holding a cloth. He realized he must be loosing a lot of blood.

Someone kissed his forehead. Percy wanted desperately to open his eyes. But his head hurt so bad, that he couldn't focus on anything else.

Suddenly, he felt a pair of lips on his, "I'm not going to leave you."

Percy forced his eyes opened, groaning with the effort, but he grinned. Staring at him with a worried expression was Annabeth.

"Appreciate it," he mumbled.

She sobbed with relief, leaned down, and kissed him again. For some reason that hurt Percy's head, he let out another groan.

"Sorry," she whispered, repositioning her hand behind his head.

"Mmm," Percy clenched his eyes shut as another wave of pain rolled through his head, "What happened?"

Gaea was dead, or at least, she couldn't take on a physical form ever again. So how had the ground moved directly beneath him?

"I think maybe Gaea just used her last burst of energy to try and get revenge," Annabeth said, looking up at the top of the hill, several yards above them.

Percy let out a half-laugh that hurt his chest, "Well she wasted it."

"I hope so," Annabeth pursed her lips, her eyes went out of focus for a second, "Do you want me to try and dig you out, or-"

"No. Just...come here," Percy held out his free arm to her, he didn't want to risk another rockslide. And besides, if he was going to die, he wanted to do it holding Annabeth.

"But....Hold on," She tore a bigger strip from her shirt, "I"m going to tie this around your head, all right?

Percy knew she tried to be gentle, but his head screamed as his it came above his heart. Percy bit his lip to keep from crying out. And it didn't help that she was trying to tie the knot one-handed. 

"Sorry," she muttered, "Sorry...sorry."

Annabeth set his head down again, and Percy took a few seconds to let the pain ebb away. Then she lied down next to him, snuggling against his shoulder. Percy held her with his right arm, breathing in the scent of her hair. They layed there for a long time, in comfortable silence. 

"Percy?" Annabeth said suddenly.


"I was just thinking. It's over. Gaea's gone, the giants are dead. We can go home."

Percy opened his eyes. Home. He wanted to go home more than almost anything right now. He missed his cabin, he missed the epic capture the flag games, he missed the campfire, Tyson and Grover, his mom.

"Yeah, I guess we can, can't we?" Percy said quietly, "I vote that we do that as soon as possible."


It was silent again for a time. Percy was amazed that they could both sit there dying, and have a peaceful conversation about Camp Halblood. Then, suddenly the realization hit him. Everything that had occured in the last hour wound up in a tight ball and smacked him in the forehead, (which didn't feel good, as his head already hurt enough). Jason, Leo, Frank...Percy didn't want to think about it. Frank had become a very close friend on the quest to Alaska, and that friendship got stronger on the voyage East. And now he was gone...poor Hazel....

It took longer than it should have to realize that Annabeth was unconcious. Her head had gone limp against his chest, and her face was clammy.

"Annabeth!" Percy shook her shoulder gently. She didn't wake. The combination of exhaustion, pain, and blood loss had taken its toll. 

Percy kissed her forehead, hopefully someone would come and find them soon. Percy knew he couldn't stay concious for ever. Blood was still seeping through the makeshift bandage around his head, and the corners of his eyes were loosing focus. 

"Percy!" Speak of the devil, "Annabeth! Frank! You down there?"

Percy blinked. Of course they'd be looking for Frank too. Nobody else knew he was dead. 

"Well, you took your time." Percy said, as loud as he could.

Piper's voice came down, "Well, you could have sent up a flare or something."

"Uh...not really."

Piper's face appeared at the edge of the cliff, "Are you injured?"

"You could say that," Percy looked at Annabeth's closed eyelids, "Hurry," he said to Piper.

Piper dissapeared for a moment, when she came back, she started climbing down, carrying one of the first aid backpacks from sickbay.

"Hazel is going back to get some help," Piper said when she reached them. She took off her bag and pulled out nectar and bandages, "Who's first?"

"Annabeth," Percy said immidiately. 

Piper set to work dabbing nectar on some of the major wounds, and wrapping them with medicated bandages. There were so many of them, Annabeth looked like a mummy who'd lost half her wrappings. Okay, that wasn't a good thought.

While PIper was working, Percy said, fighting for concousness, "Piper...Frank...didn't make it..." He choked back a sob.

"What?" Piper gasped.

"He..." Percy blinked, his eyes were going fuzzy, "He's...dead." Percy blinked again, and his eyesight faded completely to black. 

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