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Whew, okay. I'm going to try and get this done as fast as possible, so here's another update. Enjoy!

"...and then we could go walking in the garden and look at the architecture until it's too dark to see," Percy was saying.

Annabeth smiled, "I thought you wanted to spend all your time in the bath house."

Percy shook his head, "I want to spend all my time with you," he took Annabeth's hand as they walked along the shoreline.

Percy might have just wrapped her heart in a warm blanket.

"Although, the bath house would be nice too."

Annabeth laughed, "Only if you manage to pass all your classes."

"Hmm," Percy said, "I don't know about that."

"You're the one who wanted to go to college in New Rome in the first place!"

Percy chuckled, "Yeah, but that doesn't mean I have to graduate."

Annabeth shook her head in exasperation, "How I managed to end up with you for a boyfriend, I have no idea."

"Because you love me."

"I do love you," Annabeth admitted.

Percy smiled and sat down in the sand, pulling Annabeth after him, "And I love you, that's how."

Annabeth rested her head on his shoulder and they sat just watching the waves hitting the sand....

Sometime later, Annabeth was woken from her stupor by someone clearing their throat.

She and Percy jumped apart. Nico was standing a little ways away, looking uncomfortable.

"Nico?" Percy asked almost cautiously.

"Uh..." Nico cleared his throat and stepped closer, "I've decided that I'm staying at camp."

"That's great!" Annabeth said.

"Yeah," Nico glanced at her quickly and then back to Percy, "And since I'll be staying and I'll have to deal with you for at least another year, I thought I might as well clear the air."

Percy's expression became wary.

"I wanted to tell you that for a while, I used to have a crush on you, but I've gotten over that now. You're cute, but you're not my type." Nico said this all very smoothly, as if resolving himself for the worst.

" mean?" Percy started.

"Yeah, but it's okay, I don't feel that way anymore," Nico shrugged.

Annabeth smiled, finally feeling like she understood why Nico had been so uncomfortable around her and Percy. It took courage admitting something like that. Annabeth offered Nico a highfive.

"But..." Percy was still confused, "What do you mean I'm not your type?"

Nico grinned and turned away, "See you Percy, Annabeth."

"See you, Nico," Annabeth replied as he walked away.

"Wait..." It suddenly seemed to dawn on Percy, "What does he mean I'm not his type!?!"

Annabeth just laughed and kissed his cheek, "I think it means he found someone."

"Who?" Percy asked.

Annabeth shrugged, "I have my suspicions."

That night at the campfire, Annabeth sat by Percy, like normal, but her attention was focused elsewhere.

On the other side of the fire pit, Nico and Reyna were sitting together, talking. Nico smiled at something Reyna said, and Annabeth was glad that he was happy. She remembered how he was before his Bianca had died, and even though Nico would never be that way again, she could see a bit of that little kid coming back.

Yay! REYNICO!!!! AJFAHDFKAHDFJALKDJFLF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you've probably noticed, I used some snippets from the book, so I felt like I had to add that Rick Riordan has the rights, not me. The dedication will be announced soon, since no one has commented on the last chapter yet!

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