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Frank soared over the rocks and trees, clutching Jason by his shirt, beneath him. The rock monster's had disappeared. Maybe they were luring them into the trap all along. Gaea's pretty tricky, Frank thought, as his eagle eyes scanned the terrain for the still airborne Greek trireme, the Argo II.

Finally, he spotted it. The Argo was waiting for them just feet above the ground in a secluded circle of rocks. Frank tilted that direction and promptly layed Jason down on the deck. He landed himself a foot away from him and changed back to himself.

Jason moaned. Frank scrambled to his side and helped him to his feet. Jason leaned on Frank very heavily. Frank led him down the stairwell to sickbay.

Once Jason was settled in bed, Frank handed him a glass of nectar.

"Here," he said, "Drink this. I'll be back in a minute."

Jason shook his head dejectedly, "Once again, I went through the fight unconscious," he sighed, "And to have Percy tell them to take care of me first...is he alright?"

"Not sure..." Frank frowned, "I'll go pick him up. He looked pretty bad when we left though, all green and sickly."

Jason nodded and closed his eyes. Frank looked at him for a moment, wondering if he would say something more, before he realised that Jason had fallen asleep.

Frank dashed back on deck and transformed into an eagle once more. He flew back in the direction of the cave.

When he'd almost reached the entrance, he saw them. Annabeth and that Carter kid were carrying a stretcher between them back down the mountain. On it, Frank saw the limp form of Percy Jackson.

He dived, landing right in front of Carter, and transformed into a human.

"Frank! Thank the gods!" Annabeth cried.

Piper pushed her way forward, "Is Jason alright?"

"Is the ship still there?" Leo asked.

"Yes, and yes." Frank looked at Annabeth, "How is he?"

Her piercing grey eyes sparkled with unshed tears, "Not good. He needs amrosia now."

Frank nodded, "You might want to get out of the way," he said, warrily to Carter.

He took the handles out of Carter's hands and turned into a dragon. He heard the newcomers gasp in surprise, but was already grabbing Annabeth's side of the stretcher. He took off, Percy groaning in his sleep beneath him.

Percy Jackson Blood of Olympus (Percy Jackson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now