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Leo called an emergency meeting for everyone aboard the Argo II. Everyone assembled in the dining hall, the seven taking the chairs around the table while the others stood around the sides.

Annabeth told everyone to, "Shut up and listen to Percy!" And all the attention was turned to him.

"First," Percy croaked, still slightly recovering, "we would like to welcome our new crewmates. Though they may not be staying long, it's up to them."

There was a mumbled greeting, then everyone stared at Percy again. The staring was probably due to the bloodshot eyes and the new scar across his cheek. Leo thought he looked kind of fragile too.

Carter spoke before Percy could, "We would like to stay and help, but we're not sure what the problem is."

Percy nodded, and looked at the kid, "I'm still not sure if I should tell you, if you know what I mean."

Several people looked shocked, Annabeth didn't look surprised, and Carter just nodded.

"I understand. But we'll need to know what we're up against."

"Right," Percy looked at those around the table, "I suppose now's a good a time as any to tell you how I met Carter."

So Percy told them. Leo found it comical that Carter was swallowed by a giant crocodile. The end of the story was the most interesting part though.

"...we decided that it was too risky to tell each other too much information, and we didn't really feel comfortable sharing. Then, we agreed, that whoever sent the crocodile could be an enemy we both needed to fight in order to defeat it. So Carter wrote something on my hand..."

"...which would let me know where he was when he said my name," Carter finished.

"So that's how he found us," Annabeth said.

Percy nodded, "But now that he's here, I'm not so sure what to tell them or not." He glanced uneasily over at Carter's group.

Leo raised his hand, "I don't think we need to mention G-A-E-A. I mean, it's not like she's the whole reason we're here or anything."

Nobody laughed, but Leo caught Hazel and Piper smiling a little, and the corner of Percy's mouth twitched.

Annabeth glared at Leo, "We should definitely tell them about Dirt-face, but what about...our parents?" she looked at Percy, "Does he know...?"

Percy met Carter's gaze, "I have a few guesses," Carter supplied.

"Personally," said Sadie, in her cute British accent, "I'd like to know everything, but that's just me."

Carter shook his head, "I don't think my head could take the stress of expanding my whole world again."

"Fair enough," Percy said, "I guess you should understand who...what we are exactly.

"Everyone here is a demigod, that's half god, half human. We're a mix of Greek and Roman demigods. That's Frank, son of Mars, Roman god of war; Jason, son of Jupitor, Roman god of the sky; Hazel, daughter of Pluto, Roman god the underworld; Leo, son of Hepheastus, Greek god of the forge and fire; Piper, daughter of Aphrodite, Greek goddess of love and beauty; Annabeth, daughter of Athena, Greek goddess of wisdom and battle strategy; and me. Son of Poseidon, Greek god of the sea." He pointed to each person as he said their name.

Leo watched the newbies' expressions as they compreheded they were in the presence of godly offsprings. He smiled at Sadie's expression when Percy said Piper's mom was the love goddess. It was like she was jealous or something.

Carter just nodded when Percy said who his dad was, it was as if he'd already guessed.

"So who's Gaea?" The girl called Zia asked. Dark brown hair framed her face, and she had a professional attitude.

As Percy explained the problem with Dirt-face, Leo  noticed the black dude next to Sadie, what was his name, Will? Wolly? whatever. He was looking at Percy with an expression of deep mistrust. He looked overly uncomfortable being here. Leo decided he didn't like him much.

Jaz spoke up as Percy finished, "But, Geb is the earth god!"

Captain Suspicious said in a voice that matched his his discomfort well, "On the Egyptian side of things, yes. But we're working with a whole new realm of deities."

Carter turned to Sadie, "Remember when Amos said, 'Manhattan has other gods,'?"

Sadie nodded slowly, "And Mum said..."

Carter screwed up his brow, "What did Mom say?"

"She just told me that she saw the House of Life working with other gods."

Leo snorted, "well you won't be working with the gods necessarily. The demigods do all the hard work around here."

"Leo!" Piper and Annabeth said at the same time, looking up at the sky, as if they were waiting for the ceiling to fall on top of them.

Percy smirked, like he totally agreed with Leo, "The gods are a little busy at the moment. Ever since the Romans and Greeks discovered each other, the gods have become a little...confused."

The guy by Sadie surprised everyone, "Roman and Greek gods are the same, but they changed slightly as the Romans adopted them. There names and personalities became more Roman."

Annabeth stared at him. Percy must have noticed, for he said, a little loudly, "Exactly. So the gods are currently not on our immediate contact list."

"Who is?" Zia asked.

Everyone looked at her grimly, "You were my last resort," Percy stated, "No one else."

Percy Jackson Blood of Olympus (Percy Jackson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now