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Jason and his friends had watched it all happen, waiting for the right moment to execute Annabeth's plan. Jason had told her of Percy's concerns, and she had understood perfectly. But still, Jason worried she'd do something rash. It wasn't exactly like Annabeth, but who wouldn't give themselves up in the hope of saving a loved one?

Annabeth and Piper stood next to him looking over the railing at the sight way below them. Annabeth's jaw clenched as they tied Percy to the altar. As Porphrion gave his little speach about their deaths, Annabeth turned to Jason.

She nodded and held out her Yankees cap, "Take it," she said, " It'll make you invisible."

Jason took the hat from her and looked down at the scene he was about to ambush, "Thanks," he swallowed hard.

To his surprise, Annabeth pecked him on the cheek in a friendly, good luck kind of way, "Get him out of there."

Jason squeezed Piper's hand and put the cap on. He looked down at himself, he couldn't see anything. He figured that was a good thing. He looked over the side as the earthborn raised a knife over the altar. Jason dove over the side and bent the wind to cushion his fall.

He landed a few feet away from the altar but there were monsters everywhere! He began wading his way carefully toward the altar, the knife hadn't lowered yet. When he was about half way there, the giant Polybotes spoke up.

"Annabeth Chase, if you want to save your boyfriend's life, you will calmly come down and trade his for your own."

Jason froze, looking up at the ship. Don't do it... Jason thought. Nothing.

Polybotes huffed, and Jason started moving forward again.

"Fine," Polybotes shouted, though he didnt have to, "Maybe you need a little motivation!" He nodded to the earthborn.

The knife went down just before Jason cleared the throng. Percy yelled. No, Jason thought. He pulled out his sword and cut the earthborn in half. Without pause, he succeeded in cutting the chords that bound his friend in one swipe.

Percy gasped in relief. Jason gasped in surprise. The knife was lodged in Percy's right shoulder. Percy was still alive! But before Jason could react further, a giant hand swept him off his feet.


Jason scrambled out of the way and back to the altar. Everyone was running around trying to hit him, but only striking each other.

Percy moaned and Jason grabbed his friend under the arms and commanded the wind to lift the two of them up. Percy was dead weight, and Jason knew he could barely make it to the ship.

Jason hit the deck harder than expected and nearly dropped Percy in surprise. Down below he could hear the angry giants arguing.

Polybotes was saying, "GAEA'S DIRT! HE GOT AWAY!"

"YOU LET HIM ESCAPE?" Came an angry reply.


Porphyrion snarled, "CAPTAIN!" He ordered, "Bring out the weapons, I want that ship lying as a crater in the ground!"

Jason took off the hat as Annabeth came rushing up to check on Percy. Jason turned to Leo.

"Get us out of range," he said.

Leo ran to the helm and everyone's attension turned to Percy. He was propped up on his elbows, closing his eyes. Annabeth was at his side, her hand around the dagger.

"Ready?" She asked. Percy nodded slowly.

"One," she counted, "Two. Three!"

Percy Jackson Blood of Olympus (Percy Jackson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now