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Leo knew he was loosing. Try as he might, there was no way around the monsters. He didn't know what they were, but they seemed to be resistant to his flames. They looked like dogs and seals with a few human like traits thrown in the mix. They seemed to especially hate him, but he didn't know why.

Leo swung his hammer down on one head after another, trying desperately to keep the creatures at bay. He was so worried about the monsters in front of him that the ones behind him escaped his notice...until one if them threw a chain link that caught his hand.

It must have been magical, because the more Leo struggled, the tighter it became.  Once he realised that, Leo stopped trying, and turned back to his attackers, but not before another chain flew out and caught his other hand. Seriously, these guys must have been really good pitchers, they aimed right every time.

The monsters pulled his arms behind his back, and Leo started to panic. No plan came into mind except...Leo burst into flame, and alowed columns of heat to go in every direction. The monsters weren't even fazed.

Leo elbowed one in the face, kicked another's foot, and kneed a third in the gut. His captors had pulled him close now, he could feel their hot smelly breath on his neck.

"Oi! Bring 'im over 'ere. I wanna bite!"

"I caught it, I deserve first pick!"

"You didn't catch it, I did!"

The monsters went on bickering. Leo struggled against his bonds, which of course just made them tighter. There was one monster who wasn't arguing, but was eyeing him hungrily. Seconds before it happened, Leo realised what the monster was going to do.

The creature leapt on him while its kin were distracted. Leo tried to shake him off, but it weighed roughly as much as a hippo. Leo's legs buckled and he collapsed under the sheer weight of the creature.

Leo saw everything as if it were in slow motion. The slobbery jaws and pointy teeth as they lowered towards his face. The other monsters screaming and yelling at each other, trying to pull their comrade off of their prey. He could smell the creatures breath, and Leo was pretty certain it hadn't brushed his teeth in a couple thousand years.

The monster's mouth started closing. At the last second, Leo jerked sideways. The monster missed his face, but still got a good chunk of Leo.

Leo screamed. His right shoulder, his ear, his arm, everything hurt. He figured this must be what it felt like to not be resistant to fire, because it felt like the right side of his torso was burning up.

As Leo's eyes slid closed, he thought he saw a golden sword swing down on one of the monsters, but he couldn't be sure, as he fell into the deep pit of unconsciousness.

N/this chapter's dedication goes to 99dest. Thanks for commenting!

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