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Annabeth ran back down the sloped mountainside, the others racing behind her. When they finally reached flat ground again, they were completely out if breath. Annabeth would've stopped running, but, hidden in an outcrop of large rocks, she spotted the Argo II.

She pulled faster and kept going. Suddenly, an agonized yell pierced the air. Annabeth stopped in her tracks. She looked back at the others, they looked around in alarm.

"Was that...?" Hazel began.

"Percy," Annabeth sobbed.

“Go on Annabeth,” Piper panted, “It’s alright, we’ll be fine.”

Annabeth looked at their tired faces and nodded, “I’ll meet you on deck.”

She turned and ran in the direction of the Argo II. As she ran, she let the sobs rise up and the tears fall. She didn’t know what she would do if Percy... No, she couldn’t even let that thought formulate in her mind. But still she worried, as his cries became closer. Was he alright? How bad was it? She prayed to all the gods that Percy would survive.

She quickly wiped the tears off her face as she reached the rope ladder. Frank was waiting for her at the top.

“You better get in there,” he said, as Percy cried out again.

He helped her over the side, and she ran down the stairs into sick-bay. Annabeth burst through the door to find Jason sitting on the edge of his bed, staring at Percy wide-eyed.

Annabeth’s eyes moved to Percy’s bed, and her heart broke to see him staring at her, pain written all over his face. She strode to his side and took his hand, sitting on the bed next to him. His expression brightened for a moment, but then fell back into torment as he writhed and yelled some more.

Annabeth put her hands on either side of his face, careful not to touch his wound. She forced him to look at her, then kissed him.

“Fight hard,” she whispered in his ear.

He breathed in sharply and clutched her hand tightly, as if he were afraid to lose her.

"I'm not going anywhere Seaweed-Brain," she said to their clasped hands.

Percy made a little cough, then began to wheeze as he breathed. Annabeth looked at him in concern, and noticed some blood dribbling down his chin.

Tears welling up in her eyes again, she grabbed some tissues off the bedstand and gently dabbed at the blood.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Jason reach out and put his hand on Percy's shoulder. They sat there for a long time, perfectly still. Occasionally Percy would scream or twitch, and Annabeth would stroke his cheek. Percy's yells grew more and more quiet as time wore on.

Annabeth only noticed the others crowd into the room because Hazel helped Piper to the bed on the other side of Jason's.

Percy coughed again, and more blood came up. As Annabeth wiped it away, Percy mumbled something.

"Ann...beth." Tears streamed down her face as his shaky hand reached up to touch her cheek.

"Shhh," she said, quietly sobbing, "it's all right...I'm here."

Percy's hand slid to her thigh and he closed his eyes. Someone walked over with a glass of water. Annabeth thanked Jaz and drank deeply, (her throat was rather raw from running and crying.) She looked at the water in the cup, then at Percy's sweaty face.

A sudden thought occurred to her. She remembered how much Percy's strength grew while he was in the water. Maybe...carefully, Annabeth held the glass above Percy's face. Then, very slowly, she poured out the contents.

Percy opened his eyes, and his painful expression melted away. He looked up at Annabeth and gave a small smile. Annabeth wanted to shout for joy.

But the water didn't last long. As soon as she quit pouring, the color left Percy's countenance again.

"Someone, get me some more water!" Annabeth cried.

Soon, she had poured several more glasses of water on Percy's wound. He was very alert now, even attempting to sit up. Annabeth pushed him back into the pillows.

She gave him the next cup to drink from, he drank deeply, and the cut sealed itself, leaving only a white scar running across his cheek.

Percy looked at her, pulled her close, and kissed her, right there in front of everyone.

"I'm glad you didn't die," Annabeth said against his chest, careful not to put weight on his injured hand.

He sighed and looked up at their audience, "Me too Wisegirl."

Percy Jackson Blood of Olympus (Percy Jackson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now