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Finally, Leo was strong enough to get out of bed. It had been nearly two weeks since he'd woken up that first time to Jason and Piper sitting by his side.

Leo tugged a new shirt over his head, admiring his robot arm. It was surprisingly lightweight and maneuverable. Still, having to consciously tell his arm to move would take some getting used to.

He stood and moved to the door of the infirmary. Sunlight hit him hard in the face and Leo had to stand there for a moment and blink.


He was suddenly hit with a force powerful enough to knock him backwards into the door frame. Leo hugged Piper back, laughing.

Jason ran up the steps, grinning. Leo hugged him too. It was good to be with his friends again.

"Come on, Valdez," Jason said, "It's lunch time."

Leo walked with them to the dining pavilion. Piper, he noticed, seemed to be making sure she kept pace with him. Jason strolled along, hands in his pockets, looking extremely happy.

It warmed Leo to think that the two of them could be so concerned about him. It made him question what he was planning to do.

The food was as excellent as ever, and Leo enjoyed sitting with his siblings again. They all welcomed him back to their table, and included him in their conversation about various projects.

Soon though, the meal was over. Leo was sure he'd never eaten so much in his life. He made his way down to the fire pit with the rest of the Hephaestus campers.

"Leo," someone said behind him.

"Percy," Leo said turning, he felt his emotions collide. He still wasn't sure how he felt about Percy. Despite everything, Percy had tried to come clean, that had to count for something.

"So, I was wondering how you were doing on the whole Calypso thing."

Leo tried not to get angry, "What do you mean?"

"Well, I figured," Percy shrugged, "That would have been the first thing you would've wanted to do once the war was over."

The crowd had moved past them, and now it was just the two of them standing in the trees.

"Maybe it is."

Percy smirked, "Believe me, I've snuck out of here a couple times to do something I felt was right. That's why I'm coming with you."

Leo blinked, he wasn't sure he wanted to spend that much time alone with Percy, "I don't think so."

"Listen," Percy said, "I need to make it up to her, do you understand? I need to come with you. Besides, you could use a son of Poseidon while you're searching for an island."

Leo understood. Percy felt that this was the best way for him to redeem himself in Calypso's eyes. Even if Leo didn't like it, he had to admit Percy could be pretty useful when it came to travelling overseas.

"Did you talk to Annabeth about this?" Leo asked after a moment's hesitation.

"Of course. She's going to catch up on all the school she missed over the last couple months anyway. If I stick around here, she'll probably make me do that too. No thanks."

Percy obviously didn't want to leave Annabeth, and Leo was impressed that he would sacrifice that time to save a girl he'd abandoned.

Leo smiled, "Welcome aboard."

N/A Dedication goes to...Infinitysprinkles456! Thank you so much for the compliment!

Percy Jackson Blood of Olympus (Percy Jackson fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora