IV Percy

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Percy felt Annabeth's gentle hands under his arms and someone else's around his ankles. They set him down lightly on a cold metal surface. His right hand hit the floor hard though, sending a jolt of pain up into his shoulder. His eyes flew open and he gasped in pain.

Annabeth was instantly at his side, "Oh my gods, I'm so sorry!"

Percy gritted his teeth against a new wave of pain, this time from his cheek spreading through his entire body, "S okay," he mumbled.

"Can you walk?" A tall, black dude spoke, Percy hadn't gotten his name yet.

"Huh-uh," Percy grunted, moaning.

The pain in his face was so intense, his body went outside his control and began thrashing from side to side. The problem was, the more he moved, the more the pain spread, but he couldn't control himself.

He could hear Annabeth calling his name in alarm, but he couldn't answer. His face felt like it was on fire, and the fire was quickly making its way towards Percy's stomach.

They were trying to hold him down, he heard someone, probably Jaz, say, "We've got to hold him still, the poison will only spread faster!" Percy tried to relax, but it hurt too much.

"Dude!" Leo's voice came loudest, "Hold still!"

I can't! Percy wanted to scream.

He felt Annabeth holding his face, stroking it. She whispered something and Percy focused on her words. I love you. He didn't notice the pain as much as he listened.

"Thank the gods!" Piper muttered, "good job Annabeth."

"I should have put his arm in a sling! Then it would never've hit the floor!" Jaz said.

Annabeth supported his back while Jaz tied his arm to his chest with a strip of cloth from her shirt.

Annabeth let him down gently and as soon as she let go, pain engulfed him again. Percy tried to control himself, but his body ignored him. He yelled in a mixture of agony and defiance, his body wrything.

The others were talking, Percy tried to understand what they were saying, but the words all blended together.

Suddenly Piper was at his side, "Percy, wouldn't it be nice to get some sleep? To just forget about the pain for a moment? Try it."

Percy knew she was charm speaking to calm him down, but he let the words wash over him. It would be nice to relax for a bit after all...

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