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Eddie's POV

Tonight the Hellfire club had decided to meet at Henderson's house. A few of us were waiting in my van for the call from him telling us that his parents were gone.  Gareth was sat in the front seat, Jeff in the back. They've been complaining nonstop since I picked them up.

"Dustin said six, it's been like thirty minutes," Jeff grumbles. I look at the clock on the dash and it's only been ten. Just as I'm about to tell him to shut up my phone rings, I pick it up and it's Henderson.

"It's him," I let the guys know so they can stop bitching. Quickly Henderson tells me that the coast is clear and we're safe to head to his house. I hang up the phone. "Let's go!" I yell turning the car on and backing out of my driveway. Immediately my radio turns on and is blasting music, it's a Montely Crue song. I turn the volume even louder to drown out their voices and start to sing along. It only takes a few minutes for us to make it to Henderson's house. We all pile out of the car and the boys follow behind me. Once up to the door I ring the doorbell obnoxiously before Henderson finally makes it to the door.

It swings open revealing Henderson and Wheeler standing there. "Can you not ring the doorbell a thousand times?"

"Maybe you should be faster next time." I grin pushing past the children in front of me.

Immediately I start setting up for D&D being sure not to waste any time. Considering we don't have long before Henderson's parents will be back and we'll have to scatter. Today is not a super serious game more of an excuse for us to all get together and hang out. Most of them haven't seen each other all summer. Garth was gone for the first two months, Mike just came back from his vacation. Jeff's mom sent him to church camp for a week. Lucas has been busy with Basketball stuff. It's the first time this summer we're all in town, ready to hang out.

"Boys, before we get this started I need to piss." I announce to the group, "Where's the nearest toilet?" I ask Henderson.

"There's one downstairs but that's for 'guests only'. My mom will notice if you use it. Head upstairs it's the second door on the left." He responds stopping what he's doing to point upstairs.

"You talk too much. Could have just said it was upstairs, second door to the left." I respond.

Leaving the group I head upstairs as I'm about to open the bathroom door it opens from inside. Now I'm confused cause no one to supposes to be here. I am greeted by a girl around my age, I think.

"Who are you?" I waste no time asking, she's cute.

"I know exactly who you are." She says I'm taken aback for a moment.

"How?" I ask more curious now.

"Well, my mom has a lot to say about you." She slips past me and starts heading down the hall.

"Good I hope," I smirk when she turns back my way.

"No bad actually." She lets out a small laugh, which was contagious.

Laughing I say, "Damn really? What did I do to her?" At this point, she's made it halfway into the room a couple of doors down from the restroom.

"Not her, Dustin." That's when it clicks, she must be Dustin's sister. I didn't know he had a sister. Yet alone someone so beautiful. Long brown hair, brown eyes, and pale skin. She's naturally beautiful. No tattoos, piercings or makeup, or anything really and she is stunning. She notices me staring and smiles. "Can I help you with something?"

"No, I just didn't know Dustin had any siblings," I say still admiring her features, her face is covered in freckles. Adorable.

"Half sibling." She getting ready to turn her back to me.

"Wait, what did I do to Dustin to piss your mom off?" I ask not curious just not wanting the conversation to end yet.

"She thinks you are a bad influence." She giggles, "You look it but seem harmless."

"Really?" Now she got me blushing.

"Dustin seems to look up to you, so you can't be half bad." I smile, Dustin can be a dork but I'd die for him.

"Well, Hendersons like a little brother. I guess that makes us family." I awkwardly laugh, instantly regretting saying that. Why the fuck would I say that? Sometimes words just come out, and I can't control them. That's when I get in trouble.

She busts out laughing. I immediately want to crawl into a hole, shrivel up and die. I don't understand how's she making me feel like this. Usually, I'm confident and cocky as hell. She shakes her head, laughing at me, and turns her back to me. I don't have the guts to say anything else at this point. She closes what I can assume is her bedroom door behind her.

I let myself into the bathroom while shutting the door behind me. I look in the mirror and cringe. The messy mop on top of my head I call hair. The dirty Hell Fire shirt with stains running down it. The many holes in my jeans and jacket. I look grimy. No wonder their mom hates me.

I finish my business and head back downstairs. Once downstairs everyone stared at me. "What took you so long?" Henderson asks.

I take my seat at the head of the table before responding, "Henderson where have you been hiding this hot sister?"

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