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Eddie's POV

Was watching tv waiting for Wayne to make dinner when I hear screams coming from outside, I get up to look at what it could be. Before I even make it to my door someone's banging on it. I hurriedly open the door and Max is on the other side hysterical.

"What happened?" I ask.

"It's Emily, I was teaching her how to skateboard and she fell and hit her head. I tried to call her mom and no answer. My moms not home can you please take her to the hospital?" She says without breathing once.

"Where is she?" As I say look around and see her laying in front of Max's trailer park, "Let's go. Go get in the back seat, I'll grab her." I run over to Emily and asses the situation. I try to shake her and wake her up but absolutely nothing.

"Fuck," I mutter gently picking her up making sure not touch her head. Where her head laid before there is a small pool of blood on the concrete.

I very slowly lay her in the back seat, laying her head on Max's lap. "Keep trying to talk to her, see if she'll wake up."

Hopping in the front seat I buckle up and speed to the nearest emergency room.


We've been sitting in the hospital waiting room for an hour at this point. Max finally reached Emily's mom, she should be here any minute. Max is sat across from me completely freaking the fuck out. "It's gonna be okay, she'll be okay." I reassure her.

"I hope so." She sighs.

"Where is she?" We look up and Emily's mom is here, frantically looking for her daughter. We stand up and she looks over at me with nothing but disgust.

"What did you do to her?" She snaps.

"Me? I didn't -" Max cuts me off and explains what actually happened. Once she tells her my only involvement in the whole incident was driving Emily to hospital when she wouldn't answer, her anger turns into tears.

"I'm so sorry." The tears spill down her cheeks and what she does surprises me, she embraces me. She hugs me tightly muttering 'I'm so sorry' over and over again. I stand there, say nothing and let her hug me as-long as she needs.

A doctor walks out and walks toward us. "Are you Emily's mother?"

"Yes I am." She says.

"She's okay. Just a minor concussion."

"That's it?"

"Yes, when she hit her head she concussed, temporarily knocked her self out. She'll need a few stitches." He explains.

"Is she awake?" Emily's mom questions, wiping her tears away.

"Yes she is. She'll need a lot of rest though. You're more then welcome to come see her. She's in room A17. Follow me." Emily mom follows the doctor while Max and I stay in the waiting room.

"Are y'all not coming?" She turns around and asks. I didn't realize we were invited, we hurriedly get up and follow them.

We arrive to the room, the doctor says, "Just a heads up, the pain medicine she's on will make her a little loopy."

"Hi Emily, your mom is here. Also your friends who brought you here. I'll leave you all alone for a bit." The doctor leaves the room.

Emily looks up from her and lap and smiles when she sees us all standing there.

Before anyone could say anything she slurs, "Edddddiee." With a big toothy grin. "It's youuuuu."

"Hi Emily." Her mothers shoots me a look that's tells me to back away so I do.

"Hi mommy." Emily says.

"Hi baby girl, I'm so glad you okay." Her mom says caressing her face, "Thankfully these two were there to bring you to the hospital."

She completely disregards what her mom says and darts her attention to me, "I'm mad at you."

"What did I do?" I ask confused.

"You didn't text me." She exaggerates a big frown and then starts laughing. Her mom looks at me like how dare I. I thought that's what she wanted, me to leave her family alone.

"I'm sorry?" I laugh uncomfortably.

"Maybe we should let you rest, baby. Doctor says you need to rest. I'm gonna go see what the next step is to get you home." Emily's mom leaves the room to find the doctor.

"Max I need to tell you a secret." She whispers.

"What?" Max ask.

"No come here." Max leans into Emily and Emily puts her hand up to her ear and starts whispering. Max tries her best to hold back laughter.

"Yes I already know that. Now stop talking or you're gonna embarrass yourself."

"Too late for that I think." She point to the back of her head and laughs.

"What'd she say?" I ask curious.

"Nothing." Max laughs.

"Shhh don't tell Eddie I said he's so pretty." Max burst out laughing.

"You think I'm pretty?" I ask even more confused than before.

"Soooooooo pretty."

"That's all you." I laugh trying to take the attention off me.

"You both need to stop before I vomit." Max fakes throwing up.

"Sheeesh." Emily says as her mom opens the hospital door, "Don't tell my mom."

"Don't tell me what?"

"That I think Eddie is so prettyyyyyy." Her mom laughs at her daughter and sushes hers.

"But loook so pretty." She stares at me intensely.

"I think it's best you two go now. For the sake of Emily not embarrassing her self anymore."

"You're probably right," Max laughs.

Just as I'm about to leave her mother pulls me to the side, "I just want to thank you for driving Emily to hospital."

"No problem."

"I don't what going on between you two and frankly I don't really like it, like at all but I'll try to be better."

"Thanks I think, Mrs. Henderson." She hugs me one more time and let's me go.

"Call me Claudia please." She smiles softly.

"Bye, Emily. I'm glad you're okay." I wave.

"Bye prettttyyy." Claudia and I laugh at Emily before I leave the hospital.

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