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Eddie's POV

I've been trying get ahold of Emily since last night and still no response. I decide to try to get ahold of Dustin, see if he'll tell her to message me back.

Eddie: what are you doing

Dustin: school shopping

Eddie: with?

Dustin: mom and Emily why

Dustin sends me a photo Emily in a middle of a target, she looks exhausted. Whatever's bothering her is obviously having a bad effect on her. I frown looking down at the photo.

Eddie: Emily's ignoring me tell her to message me

Dustin: she said she's not talking to anyone today

Eddie: why

Dustin: what did you do she won't tell me

Eddie: nothing? I don't know she won't talk to me. I need to talk to her

Dustin: whatever you did she seems sad I told you not to bother her cause this would happen

Eddie: I didn't do anything last time I saw her everything was ok

Dustin: whatever

Eddie: please believe me I care about Emily I need her to talk to me

Dustin: well she left her phone at home and won't even talk to me so

Eddie: I'll just show up to your house if she doesn't message me soon

Dustin: I'll let you know when we get home

Eddie: thank you

I'm dead serious, if I don't hear from her soon I will show up to her house. What ever happened I have to make it right. I rack my brain thinking about everything that happened that could of possible made her want to ignore me and I can't think of a single incident.

Is it because I said I don't do relationships, that's what I thought. I didn't mean to say it in front of her, I should have never said that. I think I could change that for her, she different. She sees me for who I am, never once judged me for my outward appearance like most people do.

I should of never called her my friend to Trevor. Maybe that's why she's so upset. Fuck me.


I spent the rest of the day stressing waiting for a text from Dustin letting me know they were home. I hadn't heard from Emily so fuck it I'm going to her. It's kind of late at this point so I hope her mom isn't to upset with me just showing up. I hope Emily is upset and happy to see me.

Dustin: We should be home soon

Eddie: thank you

Dustin: you better fix whatever the fuck u did

Eddie: i will I promise

I quickly hop in my van and speed off to Emily's house. When I get there I see them unloading the car, Emily follows slowly behind Dustin and her mom. She looks tired and upset. I give them a few minutes to get inside before I get out of my van.

Just as I'm about to knock on the front door I hear Emily and Claudia talking. Against my better judgment I decide to listen in on their private conversation.

"I don't know what to do." Emily says, it sounds like she's crying. I hate to think that I'm the reason she crying.

"We tried to warn you baby." Claudia speaks. What did they warn Emily about?

"I know and I didn't listen." She sniffles.

"People like him aren't to be trusted. If you continued being with him he'd probably drag you down with him." Is she talking about me?

"How can you know that?"

"He's on his second year as a senior, probably going to flunk out of high school. You don't need that baby." They definitely are taking about me, wow. I knew Claudia didn't like me but damn hurts to actually hear it.

"Yeah." Emily sounds really upset but it hurts even more to hear that Emily agrees with her mom. Maybe I should just walk away before I hear anything else I don't want to.

"He's probably on drugs." Emily's mom says, I can hear Emily trying hard not to laugh.

"Not funny Emily."


"It's okay. What are you gonna do?" Emily's mom asks.

"I think I'm done with him." She can't be done with me, we haven't even started. Where is this all coming from? Not even two days ago we laid in my bed and she confessed everything she likes about me.


"Yeah." Emily's still crying at this point.

"You're gonna be so much better and happier once you can get him out of your system, I promise. No more boys." Emily's mom says this putting an emphasis on no more boys. I'm not gonna be happier, I'm gonna be so fucking sad.

"You're probably right."

"They all suck."

"You're right about that." Emily let's out a small laugh.

At this point I put my self through enough suffering and decide to leave without talking Emily. If she's done with me then I'm done with her. I can't believe I was gonna let myself fall for her, how could I be so fucking stupid?

I hold back tears and text her one final message.

Eddie: we should just be friends

I hop in my car and take off, the ride home was longer than usual. I didn't listen to music, just sat in complete silence. Forcing myself not cry, not to show any emotions. I refuse to cry over this.

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