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Eddie's POV

It's been a week since I sent that message to Emily. I thought I'd be okay but I'm far from it. I can't stop thinking of what happened between us and what I could do to fix it. I'm hoping I might see her tonight. Mike is having a back to school party thing, sounds lame as fuck but I'll be there if it means I might see Emily.

I hear commotion outside the trailer I peek out the window and see it's Max on her skateboard. I quickly run out to greet her.

"Hey Max."

"What do you want?" She says skating past me.

"Are you going to Mike's tonight?"

"Yeah why, are you?" She says skating back towards where I'm standing.

"Is Emily going?" I ask hoping she'd tell me. She stops in front of me and gets off her board.

"If you're not going then yes. I'd rather her be there tonight than you." She looks at me pissed.

"Can I ask what did I do?"

"You really don't know?" She looks me over disapprovingly.

"No I don't. Last time I saw Emily everything perfect and then the next day she ignored me." I explain.

"She saw you with some blonde haired bimbo." Max rolls her eyes like I should already be aware of this information.

"When?" I ask so confused.

"The day she ignored your messages, duh."

"Ok then where?"

"She saw you and this girl get out of your van and go into your trailer. She was leaving my trailer." That's when it immediately clicks.

"That's was Chrissy."

"Chrissy Cunningham and you? Yeah I don't believe that." She let's out laugh and starts walking away.

"No it wasn't like that at all I was selling," I stop mid sentence realizing I probably shouldn't be telling this child I sell weed.

"Selling what?" She asks.

Maybe I should just tell her it'd be worth it if it meant Emily would understand and forgive me. If I had told her from the get go that I sell occasionally for extra cash this would of never happened.

"You seriously can't tell anyone." I warn Max.

"I won't." Max says coming back to me.

"I sell weed."


"I was selling it to Chrissy Cunningham. She's been having trouble sleeping."

"Is that all you did?" Max crosses her arms across her chest.

"Yes I swear."

"As soon as she got what she wanted I dropped her off at her home. I would of never done that to Emily, I like her too much."

"You have to tell her that." Max explains.

"I know that now. Please get her to come tonight, she's not gonna just come to see me and her mom hates me so I can't just show up to her house. Please I'm begging you." I explain to Max, pleading with her.

"I'll see what I can do." She hops on her skate board and speeds off.

I make my way back to my trailer and go straight to my bedroom. Laying down in my bed I think about what Max said.

If I had just told Emily from the start sometimes I sell weed for extra cash, this all could of been avoided. I wouldn't of wasted an entire week without her by my side.

I've never felt like this before. I've spent so much time thinking about Emily, this is not like me. I don't do relationships or so I thought. I don't know what I do or don't do.


I arrive early to Mike's house, eager to get this over with and see Emily. Explain to her everything that happened.

Mike, Dustin and I sit alone in Mike's basement in silence. "When are people showing up?"

"Soon, you're early." Mike responds to me.

"Who's all coming?"

Mike lists off a bunch of names, this list does not include Emily.

"Dustin, is Emily coming?" I ask.

"I think so, Max was over they were getting ready." I just nod and watch as Mike runs up stairs to let people in. He comes back down stairs with a few people, none of them Emily. I sigh annoyed.

"What's your deal?" Dustin asks.

"I need to see Emily."

"No you don't. Whatever you did really did a number on her, she's been in her room all week avoiding everyone."

"You don't even understand."

"What is there to understand? You hurt Emily after I explicitly told you to leave her alone." Dustin snaps at me, getting up and greeting the people who just arrived. Still no Emily.

I spend the first twenty minutes alone on the couch, sulking in my own sadness.

I go to stand up deciding it's time for me to leave when Max arrives. Shortly behind her it's Emily, she's finally her.

Her eyes find mine and I smile, she quickly looks away and walks right past me. I turn and watch her go sit with Max across the room, in an opposite corner. I start heading her way when Steve cuts me off and sits right next to her.

When the fuck did he get here?

He says something and she laughs, that should be me making her smile. I decide to leave her be for now and maybe when Steve goes away I'll approach her.

I sit back down alone on the couch. I sit and watch everyone else socialize. Maybe I should leave. I look over to where Emily, Max and Steve were sat. Max is gone now, just Emily and Steve.

I don't think I can take this much longer. He goes to grab her hand and she flinches, Steve pulls away. I can't hear them over everyone else and the shit music playing. Without processing what I'm about to I stand up and walk up to Emily. She looks up from Steve at me. I'm made it this far now I don't know what to do. Im sat there looking dumb as fuck.

"What?" She says.

"Can I talk to you?" I ask. I can see it in her face, she's thinking of how to respond.

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