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Emily's POV

It's the morning after my date with Eddie. I decide to text Max and see if she wanted to hang out soon. I need to talk to someone about everything that has happened before I actually physically explode.

Emily: hey we should hang soon

Max: yeah we should after what I saw last night I wanna know everything lol

Emily: is now good I need to vent

Max: yes

Emily: okay on my way as soon as I can convince my mom


I arrive at Max's house. It only takes a few moments for her to answer the front door. I follow her into her bedroom. "We're you ever gonna tell me about you and Eddie?" She asks.

"I don't know. I know how you felt about it so I was scared to tell you or anyone for a matter of fact." I admit.

"Have you guys kissed?" She ask, skipping over what I said.

"Yes." I grin.

"Have you guys slept together?"


"Ain't no way. I know how Eddie is." She looks at me like I'm lying.

"No seriously we haven't. Last night we were making out and it was headed that way, Wayne busted the door open on accident. Stopped us real quick." I admit, she laughs at me.

"Are you going to?" She asks.

"No we're not even officially dating yet. He claims he doesn't do relationships."

"I told you that." She rolls her eyes.

"I know, but he says he could change his mind if he finds the right girl." I say the last part with motioning quotes with fingers.

"He probably just says that to get girls to sleep with him." Max sits down next to me on the bed.

"Probably." I sigh.

"Or maybe you're the right girl." She says, I can tell she's teasing me.

"Oh well he's not get anywhere near my virginity until we're dating." I admit.

"Good. Going to be waiting a while." She teases.

I let out a loud sigh and fall back into her bed, "I think I've made a mistake."

"How so?"

"I should immediately stopped whatever we were when he said explicitly said he doesn't date."

"Maybe but you'll never know unless you try."

"I guess." I say more confused then I ever been, "Oh yeah and he keeps referring to us as friends so that's great."

"Ouch." Max cringes.

"Yeah he took me to a party. Some guy saw us and asked who I was and he said 'my friend Emily.' I was mad."

"I'd be mad too."

"Oh yeah while I'm confessing everything. I've been telling my mom I'm at your house when I'm at his."

"Oh okay, noted."

"We went on a double date last night."

"We did?"

"That's what my mom thinks." I laugh.

"Okay, I'll remember that." She laughs.


Max and I spend a few house gossiping and talking shit about the men in our lives.

"We need to hang out more. It was like therapy." Max says.

"Yes we do. Thanks for listening me ramble on and on about Eddie. I didn't have anyone to talk to and had it all bottled up."

"Don't hesitate to call or text me whenever about whatever, we're friends now. It's my job to listen and I like talking shit about the men in our lives." She laughs.

"I love that. I should go though my mom will be here any moment."

"Bye." Max says as I head outside onto to her porch wait for my mom.

I notice Eddie's van pulling up to his trailer. He hasn't noticed me yet. I watch as he parks and just as I'm about to say hi, he goes around to the passenger seat to open the door. I duck down to where he can't see me but I can see him. 

A blonde girl with a high ponytail girl gets out and Eddie shuts the door behind her.

Without hesitation I text him.

Emily: what're you doing

I watch as he pulls his phone from his pocket, look at it and turn it off. Eddie follows her into the trailer. 

That motherfucker.

Like clock work my mom arrives. She has to honk to get my attention, I'm crouching down still in shock.

I get in my moms car, "What were you doing right now when I pulled up?"


She's look at me like I'm crazy, "Oh okay, well did you have fun?"

"Yeah," I say a little less happier then I would have if I didn't just see what I saw.


We arrive home and I immediately run upstairs to my room. I look at my phone for the millionth time and still nothing from Eddie.

I text max.

Emily: you'll never believe what I saw when I left your house

Max: what???

Emily: Eddie and a blonde getting out of his van, they went inside his trailer together

Max: for real?

Emily: yes

Max: fuck him

I sigh out loud to myself annoyed as fuck that I let myself get so swooped up in Eddie's bullshit. Everyone in my life warned me this would happen and I didn't listen to them. Now I look dumb as fuck.

Fuck him.

I start uncontrollably sobbing, I muffle my tears with a pillow. When my phone dings, it's Eddie.

Eddie: just helping Wayne at the shop

Emily: really?

Eddie: yeah why?

I don't respond and he double texts, the a few more times. A few moments pass between each text.

Eddie: what's wrong

Eddie: did I do something

Eddie: pls tell me

I decide against continuing this conversation and put my phone on do not disturb. I fall asleep tonight tears running down my face. How can I be so stupid?

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