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Eddie's POV

It's been a few days since the get together in Mike's basement. I've spent all three days at home, completely alone. Ignoring everyone and every feeling I have.

Garth and Jeff are begging me to get out of the house. I keep denying their requests but Garth's parents are out of town for the weekend, he's gonna have a small house party. All it took was him telling me there'd be booze there for me to say yes.

I arrive to Garth's house late, learning my mistake from showing up early to Mike's house.

I park across the street from Garth's house. There's loud music coming from inside, a few people chilling out on the porch. Getting out of the van, I walk through the front yard and half wave to the people sat outside. I let myself inside, the whole living room is filled with people dancing.

I spot Garth in the kitchen making a drink, he notices me and says, "Eddie finally!" Approaching him he goes in for a hug, he's drunk I can smell the liquor on him. "Trigger warning!" He yells even louder.

"What?" I ask confused as fuck.

"She's here." Her motions over my shoulder, I turn around and I see Emily dancing. She's dancing with Robin. I didn't know they even knew each other.

"Why the fuck did you invite her?" I snap at Garth.

"I didn't she showed up with Robin," He shrugs, "And Steve."

"Gimme that." I grab the bottle of liquor from his hand, I chug what little is left. Garth looks at me like I'm crazy. "What?"



"Fridge." He motions over to it.

"Thanks," I say opening up the refrigerator and grabbing a beer. I open it and start drinking it. Jeff joins us in the kitchen, hands me a shot and I take it no questions asked.


"I think I drank to much," I let out a laugh. Garth and Jeff laugh with me.

"Me too." Jeff groans, getting up running towards the bathroom, causing Garth and I to bust out laughing even harder then before.

Once our laughing stops, I stand there in silence just listening to the music, bopping my head along with it. "I like this song." I grin.

"Me too." Garth laughs. What's so funny?

"This is boring." I sigh, all of a sudden sad.

"Go talk to that girl she won't stop staring at you." He points to a girl with long black hair, tattoos and glasses. I thought she was staring at me but wasn't sure.

"Okay." I laugh leaving Garth alone.

"Hi I'm Eddie." I grin approaching this girl.

"Tiffany." She smiles, "Wanna dance?"

"Sure." She grabs my hand and I finish chugging what's left of the third beer I've had, throwing the can on the floor. She pulls me into the large group of people in the living room.

Suddenly I'm aware of the fact I don't know how to dance because she's moving around and I'm stood still. "Come on, dance!" She yells, smiling. She grabs my hands and forces me to move my arms around. I start swaying back and forth with her. She starts laughing and turns her back to me, still dancing now grinding on me.

"You like that?"

"Mmhmm." Is all I can manage to get out, she laughs. I close my eyes, letting my drunk self enjoy this moment. I move with her.

When I open my eyes I see Emily, she's watching us and now I feel sick. She quickly looks away when she realizes I saw her looking.

"I'm sorry." I mutter letting go of this random girls hips. I need fresh air. There's an overwhelming urge in my body to run, I need to run.

I make a run for the back sliding glass door, it's closed. I run full speed into the glass door, falling back on my ass. Sobered me up real quick, my head is pounding. I feel above my brow, and it's warm sticky blood. Fuck.

"Dude what the fuck?" I look up and Garth is hovering above me, people start to gather to come see the idiot who ran into the sliding glass door. I look at all the faces surrounding me, some look concerned, most of them laughing at me.

I try to get up but there's no where to go I'm surrounded by people. I see Emily pushing her way through the crowd that's gathered.

"Are you okay?" She asks, gasping when she see my forehead busted.

"I don't know."

"Y'all fucking suck, he's bleeding and you all just stand and watch." She huffs annoyed, grabbing my hand and pulling me through the crowd towards the bathroom, it's locked. Emily starts pounding on it, yelling at whoever's in it to get out.

Some guy comes out and looks at me like he's seen a ghost, it must be bad. Emily pushes me in the bathroom, locking the door behind us.

"Sit down," she commands closing the toilet seat. I listen sitting down, she starts going through the bathroom cabinets. Under the sink she finds a first aid kit. She pulls my hair out of the way before gently applying pressure with a hand towel. My drunk self can't help my but stare at her with this biggest grin on my face.

"What did you do?" She asks, not looking at me but at what she's doing.

"I ran into the glass door." I can tell she's holding back her laughter.

"Why?" She smiles.

"I dunno cause I'm drunk probably." I laugh and then wince in pain it hurts to laugh.

"Be careful." She says removing the hand towel. She cleans it off with a little wipe, then applies some type of ointment. "You're probably gonna need stitches." She sighs.

"How'd you get so good at that?" I ask.

"I've had to do it for myself, hundreds of times." She says flatly. I realize what she means but don't know to respond.

"I'm sorry." I say frowning, thinking of Emily having to bandage her self up all alone after her dads abuse. I just want to hug her.

"It's okay, you want a hello kitty bandaid or the plain one?" She grins finally look at me and not the gash on forehead.

"Plain one please," I smile.

"Wrong." She opens up the pink bandage package and picks one, "This will work perfectly." She grins applying the hello kitty bandaid, I don't argue cause I'd let her do whatever she wants. She fixes my hair for me and stops for a few moments while we're face to face. I so badly want to kiss her in the moment. She pulls away sighing, "All better."

"Thanks to you, doctor Emily." I laugh to myself.

"Yeah you must be really drunk." She laughs at me.

"You saved me."

"Whatever." She smiles, "You need to go home and rest."

"With you?" I joke.

"No. I'll get Steve to give you a ride home." She says firmly.

"No," I whine. She motions for me to stand up and when I try to stand up I almost fall over.

"Yeah you need to sleep."

"Fine." I whine a little louder this time.


I'm drunk as fuck sat in the back on Steve's car with Emily. Steve's driving and some girl named Robin is sitting in the passenger sit. I feel my eyes getting heavy and rest my head on Emily's shoulder. She doesn't push me away, she runs her fingers through my hair.

"Emily can we still be-" I'm interrupted by Emily.

"Friends, yes we can be friends."

"Do you hate me?"

"No I could never hate you Eddie." I sigh before falling asleep, my head on Emily's shoulder.

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