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Waking up I'm confused and my head hurts. I'm in my own bed my last memory is being at Max's house. She was showing me how to skateboard and I fell. Did I hurt myself? I grab my phone and look, I have a messages from Max hoping I'm feeling better and another from Eddie.

eddie: hope you're feeling better today sorry I didn't text you sooner lol

I need to find mom and find out what happened. I feel the back of head, I can feel stitches. I must of really hurt myself. I head down stairs and find mom in the living room.

"How are you feeling baby?" She asks pausing her tv show.

"My head hurts."

"It's going to, you gave your self a concussion." I sit down next to her.

"I had to get stitches?"

"Yeah several."

"I remember falling off Max's skateboard. What happened after that?" I ask, she's starts laughing.

"Well Max got Eddie to give you a ride to the hospital." So that's how he knows about it, "They waited for you at the hospital until Max finally got ahold of me." I start to remember flashbacks of me laying in the back of Eddie's van.

"Oh okay."

"That's not all, they put you on pain medication that made you loopy." She laughs.

"So?" I ask.

"You told everyone including Eddie, how pretty he is."

"No I didn't."

"Yes, yes you did." She laughs even harder. I cover my eyes and groan, embarrassed. I can remember bits and pieces of laying in the hospital bed but not that, "If you don't believe me I have video evidence."

"No you don't."

"Yes I do." She pulls out her phone and shows me the screen, a video of me being pushed in a wheel chair plays.

A nurse walks into view of the camera and tells me to, "Take it easy, get a lot of rest."

I completely ignore her and ask, "Where'd Eddddie go?"

"Sorry I don't know who that is." She looks up at mom confused.

"Edddddie the pretty boy, soooo fucking pretty."

"Emily shh don't say that." Mom snaps at me from being the camera, I whip my head around and give her a dirty look. She just laughs at me and apologizes for me.

"That's so embarrassing," I whine.

"At one point you even told Eddie you were mad at him for not texting you sooner. Has he texted you yet?" She asks curiously and I cringe even harder.

"Yeah he did."

"We'll it worked, got what you wanted huh?"

"In the worst possible way. Took me getting a concussion for him to message me." She laughs at me again, "He probably thinks I'm so weird."

"Don't worry about it baby, everyone's a little weird."

"I guess." I sigh.

"Did you respond?"

"To who?"

"Edddddieee," she mocks my voice from the video.

"Please stop." I beg.

"Fine but don't keep the man waiting." She advises.

I roll my eyes at her and head back up stairs to my bed where I left my phone. I open up his message and it makes so much more sense now.

Emily: I feel ok sorry for anything i said or did yesterday I don't remember much but the play by play my mom just gave me completely mortified me

Only a few moments pass before my phone chimes.

Eddie: it's fine it was cute lol (;

How was that cute? Not cute, very cringe but not cute.

Emily: glad to see you enjoyed my suffering thanks

Eddie: u know it baby

I let out a little scream when I read baby. Did he actually call me baby? Or was it a joking way. Probably a joke but my delusional self will believe other wise. Before I could respond he sends another text.

Eddie: but I really am sorry I didn't message you sooner my uncle owns a mechanic shop so I spend most days not at school there helping

Emily: you spend a lot of time with him?

Eddie: yeah my parents passed when I was younger and he took me in no questions asked I really do owe everything to him

Emily: he sounds really nice sorry to hear about your parents

Eddie: he is maybe you'll meet him someday, we should hang soon

I get giddy with excitement, he wants to hang out with me.

Emily: we should

Eddie: when you're feeling up to it doc says you need rest

Emily: I still can't believe I did that

Eddie: what? the concussion or saying I'm preeetttttyyyy lol

Emily: both

Eddie: I'm not pretty );

Emily: I didn't say that

Eddie: good

We spent the rest of the day texting back and forth, getting to know each other better.


Mom calls from down stairs saying dinners ready. Dustin and I come out of rooms and go to the kitchen. Moms laid out dinner for all of us.

"Thank you mom it looks delicious." I say sitting down.

My phone goes off and it Eddie again, I smile responding to his message.

"No phones at the table." Mom insists.

"Okay." I quickly text him letting him know I'm having dinner and I can't use my phone.

"Who are you talking to you?" Dustin asks.

Before I could respond mom says, "Eddddie."

"Stop please." I beg.

"Sorry baby you're never gonna live that down." She laughs going back to her meal.

Dustin looks over at me disapprovingly, "Really?"


"Whatever I'm done trying to warn you. Do what you want."

"I will, thank you." I snap back. Mom changes the subject.

"So, are you guys excited for school to start in a month?"

"Yes and no. No cause it's school, yes cause it a new school."

"Makes sense, what about you Dustin?"

"No." He says looking directly at me. What's his problem?


It's been a week since my incident of concussing myself. Eddie wants me to come over but I don't know how I'm gonna convince my mom that I should be able to. I thought about lying and asking if I can hang out at Max's house, seems to be my best option.

"Mom can I go to Max's house tonight?" I ask.

"Yes but I swear to god you better not get on a skateboard."

"I won't I promise." I laugh.

latent love [eddie munson]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora