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Emily's POV

The second Eddie starts getting in the water, Robin says, "I'll be right back. I forgot something inside." She shoots me a grin before hopping out of the pool and leaving Eddie and I alone. I still haven't said anything to him since he arrived. Im sat on the steps and to the right of me Eddie is slowly testing out the water.

"It's too cold." He fake shivers, pulling his foot out of the water back onto the concrete.

"Still haven't mustered up the courage to fully submerge myself." I respond, my back to him.

"That's a shame." Suddenly I feel his arms wrap under my arms, picking me up from behind.

"What're you doing?" I scream.

"We're going swimming, duh." He laughs, carrying me to the deep end.

"Eddie no." I plead. He pauses for a moment, I'm struggling to get unstuck from his arms.

"You know how to swim?" He asks, curiously.

"What if I say no?"

"That's a yes and if not I'll save you." He starts like he's gonna throw me, I hold on tight. If I'm going down so is he. He try's to let go of me but I don't so as I'm flying into the water so is he. Still holding his hand I swim to the surface, Eddie follows shortly. I laugh when I see his long hair stuck to his face, like a wet dog. His bangs now covering his eyes. In one swift motion, Eddie pushes them back out of his eyes. "What's so funny?"

"Your hair." I tease, realizing Eddie and I are floating rather closely. I look down and remember I'm basically naked and so is he, I can't do this. I try to swim away but he grabs my wrist pulling me back to him.

"Where you going? I just got here." He says our faces only a few inches apart from each other.

"I don't know." I say barely loud enough to hear. To nervous because of how close we are. We float like this for a few moments, Eddie doing most of then work to keep us from drowning. I take this opportunity to admire his eyes for the millionth time, the suns hitting them just right. You can see every little speck and line.

"What're you looking at?" He asks.

"Your eyes." I admit.

"They're brown." He laughs.

"Nope I will die on this hill, they're not just brown." I say with an attitude, so he'll under stand just how serious I am. He only laughs at me.

"Hey guys." I look up from Eddie and see that Steve has gotten here with Robin. Eddie's looks just as annoyed as I am.

"Hi." I say swimming away from Eddie to meet Robin and Steve in the shallow end. I can feel that Eddie is close behind me.

"Jeff!" I hear Eddie yell and catch the attention of a guy wearing a Black Sabbath t-shirt and swim trunks, he waves at Eddie picking up his pace.


I think Jeff hates me. I keep catching him giving me dirty looks. Oh yeah and he hasn't said a single thing to me. Eddie introduced us and he just gave a half smile, couldn't even give me the decency to look at me when he smiled.

At this point Jeff and Eddie are fighting in the water. I sit on the steps with Robin and Steve, they're talking but I'm not listening. Only watching Eddie from afar, annoyed as fuck. Wishing we could go back to before everyone showed up.

"Emily?" Robin says waving her hand in my face.

"What?" I ask.

"Are you excited for school to start? Steve was asking you."

"I don't know, kind of scared." I admit.

"Why?" Steve asks.

"Cause it's a new school, all new people."

"You'll be fine." Steve smiles reassuringly.

"You got me as a friend now, that's all you need." Robin says, nudging my shoulder.

"True." I laugh.

"Still terrified."

"We'll it'd help your popularity if you cut that freak off." Steve says.

I turn to face him, "How so?" I ask annoyed.

"At least when I went there, he was a loser. You step into to school with him, you'll be a loser by association."

"I don't care." I huff. I notice Robin motioning from Steve to drop it.

He doesn't.

"I tried to warn Dustin and Mike, not to get involved with that club." Steve says.

"Why do you care?" I snap, standing up leaving the pool and going to the chair where my towel is. I watch Robin slap Steve on his shoulder, I smile.

I wrap myself up in the towel and sit down, pulling out my phone. I contemplate wether or not I should call my mom to pick me up. I'm over this, I just want to leave.

"What're you doing?" I look up, it's Eddie. Thank god.

"I'm leaving." He sits down next to me. I look over to Robin and Steve, she's going off on him.

"Why?" He asks concerned.

"Because I don't want to be here with Steve." I admit.

"What did he do?" Eddie tenses up, like that's all it took to make him mad. I don't want to tell him, I don't want to make things worse.

"Nothing. I'm just gonna call my mom to pick me up." I say, unlocking my phone to call her. He grabs it out of my hands.

"Tell me." He pleads, looking straight in my eyes. I can't help but smile, he looks so cute all flustered.

"Not here."

"We'll then I'll take you home." He says. I take a few seconds to weigh the pros and cons. Pro would be I could get out here with Eddie. The only con I can think of is my mom would probably have a stroke if she found out I was hanging out with Eddie. Especially if he dropped me off at home, there's no way I could hide that. The pros are really outweighing the cons in this moments.

"Are you sure?" I ask Eddie.

"Anything for you." He smiles, causing me to smile. Why is he so good to me?

"Take me home then."

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