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Emily's POV

I get startled awake by my mother, shaking me. "Get up! We're going back to school shopping today."

Fuck I don't want to that today, I roll over facing away from her.

"Get up!" She says pulling my blanket off me.

"Fine," I whine sitting up in bed.

"What time did you go to bed? You look terrible."

"Not that late just didn't sleep well."

"Okay we'll get ready, wash your face off. You really shouldn't sleep with makeup on." Mom nags, pointing at my face.

"I will." With that she leaves my room. I go to look at myself in the mirror and damn I look rough. Mascara all over my face and my hair looks like a birds nest.

I quickly take my makeup off and brush my hair. I get dressed in some leggings and t shirt, throwing my sandals on.

That's when I remember my phone is sitting there on do not disturb, there might be messages from Eddie. I decide to not open it and leave my phone home for the day. I went the first 18 years of my life without it I can make it one day, I think to myself.

I look at my reflection one more time before leaving and sigh when I see how tired I look.


Dustin, Mom and I are walking around target.

Mom seems so excited to shop for us but I physically couldn't care less. I can't stop thinking about Eddie.

"This list says you need a notebook for each class, which ones do you want?" Mom asks pulling me out of my thoughts. I grab the closest ones and throw them into the cart, not responding to her. She leaves us to go down the next aisle.

I noticed Dustin is taking a picture of me.

"What are you doing?" I snap at him.

"Eddie snap chatted me, wants to know what your doing." He says looking at his phone.

"Can you not?" I ask.


"I don't want to talk about it."

"Well now I need to know." He smiles a reassuring smile.

"I'm so okay." I ignore his protests and follow mom.

He follows closely behind, "Eddie told me tell you to answer him. Where's your phone?"

"I left it at home." I say.

"Why?" Dustin is persistent.

"Because I didn't want to talk to anyone today, is that a crime?" I ask annoyed now.

"No. Did something happen between you too?" Dustin asks.

"Yeah okay fine, something happened. I really rather not talk about it in front of mom."

"Later?" He asks.



When we get home from our day of shopping it's pretty late. Dustin runs up stairs, when mom pulls me aside.

"What's wrong?" She asks, she looks very concerned. Opening up windows cause it's so hot in here.


"I can tell your lying." She sits down and motions for me to sit next to her, "Did Eddie do something? Are yo okay?"

At this point I'd been holding it in all day and all it took was her asking if I was okay, the tears start rolling. She pulls me into a hug, I start admitting to everything.

"So you've been hanging out with Eddie? Thought y'all were gonna start dating soon? And yesterday you saw him with another girl?" She ask reiterating everything I told her.

"Yes." I sniffle.

"Baby I'm so sorry." She looks upset.

"I don't know what to do."

"We tried to warn you baby." She consoles me by tracing my features with her fingers.

"I know and I didn't listen." I cry even harder.

"People like him aren't to be trusted. If you continued being with him he'd probably drag you down with him."

"How can you know that?"

"He's on his second year as a senior, probably going to flunk out of high school. You don't need that baby." She hugs me again. 

"Yeah." I say not sure what I believe, just going along with what she says.

"He's probably on drugs."

I can't help but laugh when she says that.

"Not funny Emily."


"It's okay. What are you gonna do?" She looks down at me. 

"I think I'm done with him." I say this knowing damn I doubt this is the end.

"Good." She says happily.

"Yeah." I sigh, wiping my tears away.

"You're gonna be so much better and happier once you can get him out of your system, I promise. No more boys."  She says no more boys with an emphasis.

"You're probably right." 

"They all suck." Mom says.

"You're right about that." I half laugh. 

"You should get some rest."

"Yeah I think I will. Thank you for listening to me cry."
I say. 

"Anything for you baby." She hugs me one more time before I head up stairs, grabbing the bags from today.

Once in my room, I see my phone sitting in the same spot I left it. I decide it's finally time to open it.

There's several messages from Eddie, a missed call.

Eddie: are you ignoring me

Eddie: what did I do please tell me

Eddie: Emily please

1 missed call from eddie

Eddie: don't ignore me I care about you please

Eddie: we should just be friends

The last message shocked me the most, hurt me the most. He had the audacity to see some other girl and then tell me we should just be friends.

I notice that the message he sent saying we should be friends was less then ten minutes ago, meaning he just sent that. How does he go from 'I care about you' to 'just be friends'.

I decide to finally respond, ignoring everything he said besides his most recent message.

Emily: yea we should

I see him typing but then stop just as fast. He never sends another message that night.

That's when I start second guessing everything that has happened in the last few day, analyzing everything he said and did.

How could I be so fucking stupid? This man tells me he doesn't do relationships and my delusional ass decides to disregard that. Thinking it would be different for me.

Or maybe I'm just overthinking and overreacting. Doesn't matter any more we're just friends now.

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