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Emily's POV

I'm sitting in Eddie's house on his couch. I never imagined this would happen. He put on some random old horror movie and I can't even begin to pay attention. All I can do is sneak glances at Eddie who sits completely on the other side of the couch.

I take my shoes off trying to get more comfortable which leads to Eddie looking my direction. "Are you watching this?" He asks, probably noticing how much I can't bring my self to watch the TV.

"Trying to." I say sarcastically.

"Is it boring?"

"A little." I admit.

"We can do something else." Eddie offers.

"Like what?"

"We could play 21 questions." He suggests, I've never heard of it before.

"What's that?" I ask.

"We basically just take turns asking each other questions."

"Okay, let's do that. You ask first."

"Why'd you move to Hawkins?" He asks. Fuck starting off with the hard hitting questions.

It takes me several moments before I can answer, "I used to live with my dad. When I was younger he was really nice until he wasn't anymore. Eventually the yelling turned into hitting. My neighbors called the cops one night and I was on a plane a few days later." I can't believe I told him all that.

"Where is he now?" Eddie asks, looking genuinely concerned for me.

"It's my turn now. Have you always lived in Hawkins?"

"No I spent the first few years of my life in South Bend, living with parents. Where is you dad now?" He takes no time asking his question again.

"Prison." I admit.



"How long?"

"They only sentenced him to a few years but once he gets out mom said she'd help me get a restraining order if I wanted."

"Are you going to?"

"Yes." I say aloud for the first time.

"Do you miss him?" Eddie asks.

"No," I don't hesitate to answer.

"Aren't you scared he's gonna find you when he gets out?" 

"Yes." I sit criss cross on the couch facing him. Fixing my skirt so nothing shows.

"I'm so sorry. I'm just glad you're no longer with him."

"Me too. I'm much happier in Hawkins."

"I'm happy you're here." He smiles.

"My turn. Why do you live with you uncle?" I ask something I've been wondering since I found out.

"My mom died when I was only three years old. My dad was so depressed after that he left me with Wayne and killed him self." He avoids eye contact with me.

"I'm so sorry, Eddie. That's terrible."

"I was so young I don't remember anything." He admits, his eyes watery. I scoot closer to him and pull him into my chest hugging him. "I owe everything to Wayne, he's been here for me ever since. No questions asked."

"I understand now why he's so important to you." Eddie pulls away, wiping his eyes.


"Why are you apologizing?" I ask.

"For getting all emotional."

"It's okay to be emotional." I smile reassuring him. Eddie looks at me and then at my legs crossed. He lays his head on my lap, smiling up at me.

"My turn. You told me Steve was you first kiss so, have you dated anyone like ever?" My finger's immediately gravitate to his hair, I run my fingers through it. Playing with it his curls.



"Yes I've never dated anyone or anything. My didn't let me have friends let alone a boyfriend."

"Damn," he mutters.

"My turn. Have you?"

"Yes." He says.

"Who?" I ask before I can even think of the repercussions of asking a question like this.

"We'll I've only ever been in one real relationship." Emphasis on real, like he has many not "real" relationships. Whatever that means.

"How long ago was that?" I ask curiously looking down at him, his head still laying on my lap. My fingers still pulling and twirling his curls. He closes his eyes. Giving me the perfect opportunity to admire his features without his knowledge.

"Two years ago."

"Why'd it end?"

"We dated for a few months, secretly. I think she was ashamed of me. One day I was going over to her house and when I got there was a truck out front I didn't recognize. When I let myself into her house, which I had done hundreds of times I found her fucking some guy. Turns out they've been fucking for months behind my back." He explains, while I stare at the few freckles strewn across his face. Connecting the dots in my mind.

"That's so shitty."

"She's engaged to some other guy now. One of Wayne's best friends so I have to see them all the time. I declared after that I would never date again." Almost instantly I drop his hair from my fingers, confused as to why the fuck I'm here. His eyes open and I think he can sense the shock radiating in me. "I mean unless I find the right person."

"Mmhmm." I say unsure of how I respond to that. The door bell rings, it must be the pizza I'm no longer hungry for. He quickly stands up and goes to the answer.

I feel like everything came crashing back to reality.

"You hungry?" Eddie ask.

"Sure." He gets two plates, giving me two pieces and hands it to me. He take a seat next to me. We quietly eat for a few minutes, the silence is painful.

"This ain't that bad." Eddie speaks up.

"Yeah it's good." I respond shortly.

"Do you still wanna play the game?" He asks.

"I guess so. It's your turn to ask."

"If you could do anything this year what would it be?" He asks. The question reminds me of the list I created while on the plane ride to Hawkins. I had since transferred the list to my phone adding a few things.

"This is so dumb. I shouldn't even say."

"Say it."

"I made a list."

"A list?" He asks.

"Like a list of things I want to do my senior year."

"I wanna see."

"Not gonna happen." I laugh, "It's way too embarrassing."

"Please," he begs, "You can believe me when I say I won't judge you. I mean you basically called me pretty while drugged up on pain pills and not once did I pass judgment on you that night."

I groan, "Fine I guess."

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