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Eddie's POV

I'm on my third beer starting to feel a little tipsy. I look over to Emily and she's still sipping on her second one.

"How ya feeling?" I ask.

"I feel hot." She laughs.

"That's cause you are." I can't help myself, it just slipped out.

"No like I'm really warm. My face feels warm."

"Lemme see." I get closer to her, putting my hands on her cheeks, squeezing lightly. He lips pouting when I squeeze. I laugh.

"Why am I warm?" She asks.

"I think it's cause the alcohol causes your heart to speed up or something. See your face is all red."

"What?" She gasps, pulling out her phone. She opens the camera to see her reflection. She looks so cute, she's laughing at herself taking selfies now. Emily flips the camera towards me and starts snapping pictures.

"Stop," I plead as I hear the sound of the camera go off several times.

"No take one with me."

"Fine." I roll my eyes pretending like I'm annoyed she wants a picture with me. I sit close to her. She gets one where I look annoyed at the camera.

"Smile dammit," Emily demanded and I burst out laughing and she takes the photo, "Smile for real this time." She says it nicer this time, so I listen and smile for her.

"Perfect," She slurs, grabbing her drink finishing it off.

"Maybe you should slow down." I suggest.

"Nope." She laughs, opening another one.


I decided to stop after the third beer just so I could be somewhat sober just to make sure Emily is okay. Shes been pretty quiet, which is surprising. She walks herself over to fridge to grab another drink.

"Maybe after this one you stop?" I suggest as she sits down next to me, closer then before. No sounds from her only the sound of the can be opened. She rests her head on my shoulder, taking a sip.

"These are so good, I feeel so gooood." She grins, looking up at me.

Looking down at her, "I'm happy your having fun but seriously this is you last drink."

"Your no fun, Munson." She pouts her bottom lip which quickly turns into her sticking her tongue at me. I can't help but laugh.

"Sorry that I care about how you're gonna feel tomorrow morning. I don't want you throwing up." She smiles before chugging the rest of her fourth drink. I try to stop her but she pulls away, once done she set the empty drink on the table.

"I don't feel good no more." Emily frowns, laying down letting her head rest in my lap. She grabs my hand and puts it in her hair. I start running my fingers through her wavy hair, she closes her eyes and grins. "Why do you care?" She says, eyes still closed.

"Because I do."

"I care too much." She laughs.

"What do you mean?" I ask, confused.

"Why am I saying this?" She laughs to herself.

"Saying what?" I ask still playing with her hair.

"You don't want me." She says softly.

"How do you know that?"

"You said so." Before I can respond she speaks again, "Eddie said you don't do relationships."

"Yeah but -" She sits up and cuts me off.

"Everyone warned me about Eddie and I didn't listen. Now I'm saddened." She sighs.

"What did they say?" I ask concerned.

"That your a whore." She laughs, "No good for me. I gotta stop talking." She looks over at me finally mutters fuck under her breath.

"I'm not a whore." I laugh uncomfortably.

"You slept with the whole cheer squad apparently." She points to me, frowning.

"That is not true. You wanna know what happened?" She nods, crawling back towards me. Sitting in my lap and letting her head sink into my chest. Again she grabs my hand and rests it in her hair, I take the hint and start playing with her hair. "I'll be honest I hooked up with Tiffany, then like a week later I'm getting approached by dudes congratulating me on sleeping with most of the cheer team. I didn't deny it but I never confirmed it either. Not that it matters but I've only ever slept with two people. If that makes me whore then I don't know." I finally breath after admitting all of that when I hear the faint sound of Emily's snores. I cringe thinking about how I'm gonna have to repeat that store some day to her.

I let my hand fall from her hair unsure of what to do next. That's all it took for her to wake up, "Don't stop." She whines, going to grab my hand again.

"If you're gonna fall asleep, let me take you to the bed or Max's." I suggest, Emily's still holding my hand.

"Your bed." She smiles, opens her eyes to stand up. Almost immediately she stumbles and falls back onto the couch, sending her into a laughing fit.

"Come on." I say grabbing her arm and pulling her up. I lead her to my bedroom, once through the door she makes her self at home crawling into my bed, getting comfortable under the comforter.

"You good?" I ask, getting ready to leave her alone to sleep on the couch.

"Are you really gonna make me beg again?" She laughs from under the comforter. I must of taken to long to respond because she does exactly that, "Pleaaasseeeee!"

"Fine." I sigh, pretending to be irritated. "I'll be right back." I grab pajamas and go to the bathroom to change into them. When I get back to my room, Emily is moving around underneath the blanket. "What're you doing?" I laugh. That's when I notice her pants fall to ground from under the comforter. "I'll go get you bag from the living room so you can put some pajamas on."

"But I always sleep big t-shirt and undies, best combo." She whines her back to me now.

"You need to put bottoms on, Emily." I leave her alone to grab her back pack when I get back I notice she's gotten out of bed, she's standing by my closet throwing one of t-shirts on. Her t-shirt and bra now laying on my bedroom floor.

"Perfect." She spins around, I can't help but look her up and down. She looks so fucking hot in my band t-shirt. She grins, starts walking towards me.

Before she can get close I hand her backpack, "Pants."

"Nope." She giggles throwing the bag down, reaching out for my hand intertwining out fingers. Pulling me towards the bed, I finally give in and get in bed behind her. We're laying facing each other, the biggest grin slapped on her face. I can't help but smile.

Emily closes her eyes so I assume she's going to sleep. I close my eyes, deciding I'm ready to sleep too. Suddenly I can feel her breath on my lips, when I open my eyes she's less then an inch away from me. She closes the gap between us, letting our lips touch. Emily kisses me so much more aggressive than the last time. Her fingers find their way to my hair, pulling me closer. I let myself enjoy it for a moment before remembering she's drunk and this isn't okay so I reluctantly pull away.

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