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Emily's POV

I'm sat in the principal office putting on a whole show, tears and all.

"Who hit who?" Principal Jefferson ask.

"Jason was gonna hit me so I had no choice but to defend myself." I sniffle, grabbing a tissue to wipe my tears.

"And the Munson kid what'd he do?" He ask.

"When Jason went to lunge at me he stepped in the way. So Jason hit him too, Eddie only hit Jason to try and stop him."

"This is entirely the opposite of what Jason said." He says furrowing his brows, unsure of what to believe.

"He's lying."

"Why would Jason lie? Munson is always getting into incidents."

"I turned Jason down and he was so angry. He was upset because I told him I had feelings for Eddie. Jason said I must have daddy issues if I liked Eddie which really hit deep because my dad is in prison for abusing me." I cry harder than before. No shame in using the shitty abusive dad card.

"I'm so sorry, Miss Henderson. You're mom is on her way. Your more than welcome to go wait in the main office for her."

"Thank you." I sniffle grabbing a tissue for the road. As soon as I leave his office, I wipe the tears away momentarily. Saving the rest for when my mom gets here.

Eddie is sat on a chair outside, waiting patiently for his turn to talk to the principal. "What happened?" Eddie asks once he sees me.

"I turned Jason down and he tried to hurt me so I defended myself. You we're defending me when you got hit, so that's why you hit Jason. Okay?" I spit out as fast as possible before the principal can call on Eddie.


"Oh yeah and I told him I told Jason I liked you. That's when he made the comment about I must have daddy issues if I like you. Which obviously hurt me deeply cause my dad is in prison." I let out a small laugh, Eddie doesn't find it so funny.


"So you punched Jason Carver in the face and somehow managed to not get in trouble at all?" Max asks astonished. We're all sat outside the school, sitting around a table after the final bell has rang. Max and Robin sit on the bench while I'm say on the table my feet resting on the bench.

"Yeah," I laugh, kind of proud of myself I was able to pull that off.

"It was so bad ass," Robin laughs.

"I'm so mad I missed it," Max whines, "The one time I have lunch outside." She shakes her head.

"How did you get away it?" Robin asks.

"A whole lot of tears. My mom showed up and yelled at everyone, it was beautiful!" I chime, smiling.

"What about Eddie? What happened to him?" Max questions. I scan the crowds of people outside, hoping to see him. Still no sign of him.

"I dunno yet, waiting for him right now."

"He's probably gonna get suspended or something. Wouldn't be the first time." Max laughs.

"I hope someone recorded it." Robin says, laughing.

"I hope not." I cringe, not wanting to see a video of me getting so violently angry.

"We'll there goes my plan of infiltrating the popular people." Robin frowns before letting out a small chuckle. I see Eddie, my boyfriend, walking out of the school. My boyfriend, I will never get tired saying that. He smiles when he notices me sitting here waiting.

"I'm sorry Robin." I jokingly apologize.

"It's fine, I will live I guess." She sighs. Im watching Eddie out of the corner of my eye, he's coming this way.

"What do you think..." Robin begins to ask but stops when Eddie comes up to us, quickly kissing me. I try to kiss back but he pulls away. I look over to Robin and Max, their jaws on the floor.

"I don't how you did it but you did it. I got a stern talking to and then let off with a warning, that's never happened before." He laughs, sitting next to me intertwining his hand with mine.

"I told you I'd get us out of it." I smile, proud as fuck.

"Y'all just gonna gloss over the fact that y'all two just kissed?" Max speaks up.

"Oh yeah, we're together now." Eddie smiles.

"Like together together?" Robin asks.

"Together together." I grin, so big.

"Fucking finally." Max exclaims excitedly.

"That's what I said." Eddie laughs.

"All it took was you two getting in a fist fight with Jason Carver?" Max asks, laughing.

"I guess so." I laugh, looking at Eddie. He looks so content in this moment, beaming with joy. "I should probably go home before my mom starts to worry." I look down at my phone to check the time.

"I should go too, band practice." Robin says getting up to leave, "Bye guys!" She waves.

"Don't you ride the bus how are you getting home?" Max asks, standing up to leave.

"We'll I just assumed my boyfriend would be so kind to give me a ride home. I wanted to see what happened to him after talking to the principal." I poke at Eddie, trying to get his attention.

"Anything for you." He smiles, kissing me. I kiss back for a few moments completely forgetting Max is standing next to us.

"Mhmm.." Max clears her throat so I pull away from Eddie he pouts, "Y'all should go back to being to afraid to tell each other how to feel I never want to see that again." Max say, making vomit sounds.

"Get to use to it Mayfield." Eddie says.

"Yuck." Max says, hopping on her skate board and taking off.

"Bye max!" I yell as she skated away from us, she waves back.

"Where we're we?" Eddie says.

"I should really get home," I explain, "If I took the bus I should be home any moment, she's gonna start to wonder."

"One more," He's says pulling me in for another kiss, I kiss back for a few moments not wanting to pull away any time soon but I know I have to. Eventually we pull away from each other and let Eddie lead us to his van.


"Thanks for giving me a ride." I say when Eddie parks his van in front of my home.

"Thanks for getting me out of trouble today."

"No problem." I smile, looking past Eddie to try and see any sign of my mom being home. Looks like her car is gone.

"Do you want me to pick you for school tomorrow?" Eddie asks.

"Yes, please."

"Anything for you, Princess." I can feel myself becoming flustered, red as fuck. The pet name has a whole new feeling considering the new developments in our relationship. "What?" He asks, smirking poking at my face. 

"I dunno." I let out a small giggle, immediately disgusted with my self I've never let a noise out like that laugh.

"You like it when I call you princess, huh?" He says, smirk still suck on his lips.

"Mhmm," Is all I can get out before Eddie kisses me for the hundredth time today.

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