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Emily's POV

Eddie was correct the food here is delicious. The milkshake is the best I've ever had. We've mostly sat in silence eating, I can't finish my food. I sit back and watch Eddie eat, he looks so content.

"What?" He asks, a fry falling from his mouth.

"I'm done." I say laughing.

"Are you not gonna finish that?" He ask, pointing to milkshake.

"No, it was delicious though."

"Can I?"

"Yes," I laugh and watch him him suck down the rest of my shake.

Once Eddie's finishes eating he ask, "Are you ready?"

"Yes I am."

"Do you wanna go to mine?" Eddie asks.

"Yeah I would," I agree absolutely terrified. It almost eleven so we don't have much longer till I need to be home, "Just gotta take me home at eleven." I remind him.

"Haven't forgot, dreading it." He smiles, standing up walking towards Lizzie. He pulls out his wallet to pay.

"You know damn well I'm not gonna make y'all pay." Lizzie smiles, pulling Eddie in for a hug. She whispers in his ear and I remember what she said to me before and cringe. I can only imagine what she's saying. Eddie says something inaudible before pulling away.

"Thanks Aunt Liz."

"No problem, it was nice meeting you Emily." Lizzie smiles, starting to clean our table.

"You too," I smile her way as Eddie grabs my hand and pulls me out the restaurant.


When we arrive at Eddie's house, Max is walking inside her home. We make eye contact, she looks shocked to say the least, maybe a little annoyed. I just smile at her and follow Eddie inside.

Once inside Eddie says, "Finally have you all to myself." He grins looking me up and down.

"Yes you do." He walks down the hall way, motioning for me to follow.

So of course I follow.

He goes through a bedroom door, it's his bedroom. He takes his jacket off and I stand near the edge of his bed, probably looking so out of place.

He turns his back to me to take his shoes off.

I take this time to look at my surroundings. There's a bed in here and a overstuffed dresser, clothes spilling out. The walls are covered in posters of bands I don't recognize. A giant 'Corroded Coffin' poster, is hung above his dresser. That's when I notice his guitar laying there.

"That's cool," I say.

"What?" He turns to face me.

"Your guitar." He walks towards where it sits.

"Thanks, it was my dads." He picks it up and strums a few chords.

"How'd you learn?" I ask.

"Taught myself." He grins.

"That's cool."

"Thanks," He sets it down and gets on the bed. Which instantly reminds me that I'm in Eddie's room, alone with him. I start internally panicking. My back is to Eddie, I can feel him moving closer. "You can get comfortable." He speaks. I don't know how to get comfortable.

I think he can sense that cause next thing you know I feel his arms around my waist pulling me down lay next to him.

"Are you okay?" He asks, 

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