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Emily's POV

I lead Eddie to the gender neutral bathroom, locking the doors behind us.

"I can't believe you punched Jason in the face." Eddie laughs, sitting down sliding down the wall. His lip is a little busted, but not bleeding. I can only imagine what Jason looks like right now.

"Me neither." I laugh out loud, probably mostly in shock.

"That was so fucking..." His voice trails off.

"What?" I ask curious what he thought.

"Nothing." He shakes his head.

"Obviously something." I laugh.

"How's your hand? Does it hurt?" He asks, grabbing the hand I used to hit Jason.

"A little bit, worth it though." I smile, he's till holding my hand examining it.

"Why'd you do it?" He asks, looking at me.

"Because he was talking down on Dustin and you. Then he had the nerve to shush me. I've been shushed my whole life, I'm not living like that anymore. Then when he said he only invited me to sit with them at lunch to piss you off, I lost it. I've never done anything like that in my whole life."

"We're you standing up for me?" He teases, letting go of my hand.


"What was with that lil speech jumping up on the table?" I ask.

"I'm so sick and tired of that guy, him and his mindless followers are so fucking rude."

"I didn't realize that. Now I do." I sigh, thinking about how I spent the last few days sitting at their table.

"Plus seeing you enjoying his company really made me feel like shit. It was like the final factor in me going off on him."

"Im sorry." I apologize feeling terrible for making Eddie feel so shitty.

"Why have you been avoiding me?" He asks, looking down at his hands fiddling with his rings. I sit there for a few moments in silence, before deciding to come clean.

"Because I'm embarrassed."

"Why?" He ask and now I'm the one fiddling with my fingers, absolutely terrified because of what's coming.

"Because when I got drunk I made a fool of my self."

"I don't care." Eddie smiles reassuringly.

"I can't be your friend." I say mostly reminding myself. "It's too painful. When I kissed you when I was drunk and you pushed me away, I can't feel like that again." I can't bring my self to look at Eddie, feeling the tears start to swell in my eyes.

We sit in silence for a few moments before he speaks up, "Can I tell you something?" I nod because I can bring myself to speak. "I don't want to be your friend..."

"Okay," I say interrupting Eddie, getting ready to stand up and leave. Eddie pulls me back down to sit.

"If you'd let me finish. I don't want you be just your friend, I want more."

Finally looking at Eddie I ask, "More?"

"Yes I like you so fucking much." Eddie says still fiddling with his rings.

"But you don't do relationships and I don't want to be friends with benefits or whatever that's called." I explain.

"I don't want that either, I want you Emily." A smile grows on my face, bigger than I've probably ever smiled.

"Are you trying to ask me out?" I gush.

"Are you really gonna make me say it?" He groans.

"Yes. Say it."

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Eddie asks, still avoiding looking directly at me. I push his chin up to look at me, he smiles.

"Yes." I say nearly squealing. "Oh how I've been waiting to do this." I smash my lips into Eddies lips, kissing him with all my force.

"Ow," he mutters between kisses. Pulling away I apologize forgetting his lip is bruised.

"I didn't say stop," he smirks causing me to laugh. I take this opportunity to straddle his lap, pulling his head closer to me so I can kiss him again. I pull away for a moment, to look at Eddie who has the biggest grin on his face. "Fucking finally." He breathes. His hands found their way to my hips.

"Finally." I laugh.

"Next time you feel like you need to distance yourself from me please talk to me. Promise me?" Eddie speaks, this time in a serious tone.

"I promise." I grin, kissing him again. I smile mid kiss thinking about how I can do this whenever I want now, Eddie's MY boyfriend. Our kiss is interrupted, a knock at the door.

"Emily you in there?" A voice I don't recognize say from the other side of these. I pull away from Eddie.

"Who is that?" I ask.

"Probably a teacher. Don't forget you punched some dude in the face. We're gonna get in trouble." Eddie laughs.

"Fuck your right."

"Yeah we should probably go." Eddie suggest, the knocking getting louder.

"Don't worry I'll get us out of this." I smile before standing up splashing my face with sink water and taking a moment to make myself cry. Thinking about my dad will cause tears to run down my face almost instantly.

"How the fuck can you do that?" He ask.

"Practice. Crying made my dad stop, sometimes." Eddie looks at me concerned, before I unlocked the bathroom door. I'm greeted by a few female school staff members I don't recognize.

"What are you guys doing in here?" One of them asks.

"He was comforting me after Jason tried to attack me." I say between sniffling.

"You both need to come to the office to talk to the principal." Another one of them speaks up.

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