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Eddie's POV

I gotta stop waking up hung over. I don't even remember how I got to my bed. I can't bring myself to get up, getting up means facing the consequences of last night at Garth's party. My phone is laying on the floor, I'm too scared to check it.

Eventually I find the courage to get out of bed and head for the bathroom. I have a migraine, I need pain pills. Once in the bathroom I take a look in the mirror. There's a hello kitty bandaid on my forehead? What the fuck did I do?

As I'm trying to retrace my steps from last night I suddenly remember Emily bandaging me up after I ran face first into the sliding glass door. A wave of embarrassment washes over me.

I open the medicine cabinet, grabbing pain pills, and dry swallow a few. I put the medicine up and shut the cabinet, making sure not to look at my own reflection. I need water so I make my way to the living room. I quietly enter the kitchen, no sign of Wayne. Perfect.

I go to the sink and chug water. That's when I remember so badly wanted to kiss Emily and not doing it, I cringe remembering how annoying I was last night. Poor Emily having to deal with my drunk self.

At least she cares enough to deal with me.

I take a shower and put clean pajamas on because after last night I simply refuse to leave my house. I run in the kitchen and make me a bowl of cereal. From in the kitchen I can hear my phone ringing in the bedroom. Cereal in hand, I head to my room.

I pick it up and it is Wayne.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask, answering the phone.

"Just wanted to let you know after work I'm gonna be stay at Rebecca's house." Rebecca his lady friend he met weeks ago, still won't admit they're dating for whatever reason.


"So you're gonna have to make your own food today." He laughs to himself.

"I know how to cook." I huff annoyed.

"I know, just wanted to let you know so you didn't wait for me."


"Love ya bubba." I can tell he's smiling.

"Love you, Wayne." I say hanging up.

I see I have multiple unread messages.

Garth: dude are you ok

Jeff: heard u split your head open

And lastly but most importantly, a text from Emily.

Emily: hope you're feeling okay today, you were pretty drunk last night lol

I quickly respond to Garth and Jeff. I sit and re read Emily's message over and over again. Trying to remember if I did anything else embarrassing that I can't remember. I type out several message and delete them, I need to the perfect response. One that makes her message me more, can't fuck this up.

Eddie: my head hurts a bit but I'm ok, hope I didn't do anything to embarrassing lol how did I get home

She starts typing almost immediately and then stops. Fuck

A few minutes pass and she's typing again, thank god.

Emily: hmm let's see you ran face first into a glad door that was pretty funny

Eddie: at least you came to the rescue

Emily: why wouldn't I

Eddie: cuz things have been pretty shit between us

Emily: I still care about you Eddie I'm not ready for a relationship or whatever we were I can't do it right now

Eddie: I understand

Emily: can we please be friends still

Eddie: anything for you

I don't expect a response at this point. I assume this is the end of our conversation today. I pocket my phone, take my cereal to the living room sit down and turn the TV on. I'm flipping through channels, stuffing my face when I feel my phone vibrate. I pull it out and it's Emily again.

Emily: do u wanna get me high since you're a whole ass drug dealer

That's what she thinks of me know, great.

Eddie: I'm not a drug dealer I just sell weed occasionally

Emily: sounds like a drug dealer to me

Eddie: whatever lol

Emily: so is that a yes or no I wanna get high before school starts before I gotta actually use my brain

I look at at the date and groan realizing school starts in two weeks. I forgot all about that. I have to graduate this year I can not fail again.

Eddie: I guess so

Emily: you guess so? fine maybe I go find another drug dealer

I laugh out loud at the thought of Emily trying to buy weed from an actual dealer.

Eddie: don't do that I'll will get you high lol

Emily: thank u

Eddie: when?

Emily: tonight?

Eddie: sure Wayne will be gone so that works

Emily: max said I can spend the night at her house after so I don't go home high or whatever

Eddie: always thinking ahead

Emily: you know it

Eddie: come at 6

Emily: see you then

I slept in till noon, it's almost one now. I got five hours to prepare for tonight. I think I'm just gonna watch tv and procrastinate that. I'm too hungover right now. Just a little rest will do me good. I lay down on the couch and continue watching TV.

Emily's so fucking confusing.

She doesn't want to deal with me one day, the next days she's dealing with me. Now she wants to come over.


I'll do whatever it takes to make her mine. Even if that means taking the long, confusing route.

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