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Emily's POV

I knock on Max's door, it takes her less then a second to open it.

"That was quick. We're you waiting at the door for me?"

"Yeah. I just watched whatever the fuck that was." My cheeks go red.

"What did it look like?" I ask curious.

"I thought you were done with Eddie." She furrows her brow.

"I don't know." I go inside and head straight for her bedroom. Max following closely behind me.

"How do you not know?" She asks. I sit on her bed and she stands, arms crossed staring at me.

"If Eddie doesn't want a relationship, I will be his friend."

"Did he say that like recently?" She ask.

"No he hasn't."

"Why don't you ask him?"

"Hmm too scary." I explain.

"Too scared to ask him what he wants but will spend the night at his house? Makes sense." She says sarcastically.

"Yes exactly, in the same bed." I joke back, laughing.

"Did you guys have sex?" She asks, I'm a little shocked.


"You and Eddie Munson slept in the same bed and he didn't once try to make a move?" Max asks.

"No he didn't."

"You must of broke him." I laugh at her comment. She doesn't find it so funny.

"What do you mean?"

"I've known Eddie since I moved here a few years ago. He used to give me rides to school for a while. He has no shame if he wants someone or something, he simply takes it." She explains.

"Maybe he don't want me then."

"Or you broke him. He don't know how to act around you cause maybe he actually likes you but doesn't want to fuck it up. He doesn't know how to do relationships." Sounds a little to specific, just for her to speculate that.

"How do you know that?"

"I'm just assuming. From what I know about him and you."

"My mom told me if he wanted to, he would."

"Hmm he probably wants to just unsure of how to move forward with you."

"Maybe." I sit there and try to process what Max just said.

"What did you guys do last night?"

"We got high. Apparently he's a drug dealer, wanted to experience that." Max laughs.

"How was it?"

"Okay. I was really tired and bossy. Literally begged him to get into bed with me so we could cuddle." I cringe saying this out loud.

"And he didn't make a move at all?" She asks, again.


"Oh my god Munson." She rolls her eyes. "I can't believe him."

"Me neither. I physically could not stop touching him. It's like I wanted to crawl inside him, I wanted to be as close as possible." I sigh.

"Maybe I should talk to him." Max suggests looking at me.

"I don't know about that."

"Come one I'll just tell him you like him and he needs to tell you how he feels so you two can be together already."

"If it's meant to be it'll happen."

"Is that a yes?" She asks.

"I don't want to be involved."

"Fine." She rolls her eyes. "Ya know I was thinking maybe he's not as big of a whore as I once thought? If him being a drug dealer is true it makes more sense why he'd have females over a lot?"

"Maybe." You say thinking of what she says.


Richard picked me up from Max's house. The drive home is spent in silence. He doesn't talk much and I'm not trying to start a conversation. I'm too busy thinking of what excuse I'm gonna use to hang out with Eddie again.

My phone chimes, it's Robin. Max had said she gave Robin my number cause she thought we'd get along. That's how I ended up at that party with her and Steve. She seems nice enough, really funny.

Robin: what're you doing

Emily: nothing why

Robin: we should hang out

Emily: yeah we should

Robin: tomorrow?

Emily: yeah

I put my phone back in my pocket and continue to sit in silence with Richard.


It's the next day, I'm waiting for Mom to finish whatever she's doing so she can take me to Robin's house. I still haven't decided what to message Eddie but decide I should wait a few days to not come off so desperate.

"You ready?" I broken out of my deep thought, thinking about Eddie.


"Look at my little miss Emily already making so many friends." How is Max and Robin so many friends? I crack an embarrassed smile.

"Stop mom."

"What? Can't be happy my baby is making friends?" She replies.

"Do they really count if they are actually Dustin's friends?" I ask.

"Of course they do baby." She smiles.


I arrive at Robins, her family lives in an apartment complex. I breath a sigh of relief when I don't see Steve's car parked out side. I pray to myself that he doesn't show up.

First thing she says when she opens the front door, "You brought a swimsuit? Right?"

"Yeah wearing it under my clothes." I respond.

"Perfect." She smiles and I follow her inside. She grabs two towels and we head out to complexes pool. She puts a passcode at the gate so we can get in, I quietly follow her. She finds two chairs far away from anyone else and sits down. I sit down on the chair next to her and start, getting undressed into my swim suit. Apply sunscreen, she asks, "So I gotta ask, do you like Steve?"

I'm a bit shocked she would ask that right off the bat. I don't know how to respond. I know how close they are so she'll probably run to tell him whatever I say.

"Oh come on, he doesn't know I'm asking. I won't tell!" She pleads.

"He's really nice but no."

"That's a bummer. He likes you." She sighs, "Poor Steve. Always going after the unattainable."

"I'm sorry." I apologize unsure of why I'm apologizing.

"You're fine. He's constantly forming crushing he'll move on quickly." She laughs.

"That's good I guess."

"Let's get in the water." She suggests so I follow her into the pool. It's pretty cold so it takes me a few minutes to get in while Robin jumps in immediately. "So do you like someone else?"

Damn she's straight to the point with all these questions.

"Maybe. I don't know. I don't think he likes me like that though." I explain.

"Who?" I hesitate to answer, "Tell me I won't tell no one. I promise." For some reason I fill like I can trust her.

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