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Emily's POV

It's the fourth day of school. It's actually not as bad as I thought it would be. I spent most of the days with Robin, she told me I should sit with Jason so we could be cool so I reluctantly agreed telling her as soon as I felt comfortable in their group I would have her sit with me, infiltrate their group.

Avoiding Eddie is really hard when we have most classes together. I try my best not to look his way but it's so hard. I miss him so much.

I take my time getting to cafeteria, dreading sitting with Jason and his friends. Most of them have absolutely nothing going on up stairs. It's like talking to a wall, I don't know how much I can put up with this. Turns out Jason is dating Chrissy
Cunningham, the girl Eddie sold weed too. That confused the fuck out of me. Why did he want me to sit with him if he has a whole ass girlfriend? Why was he trying to hit on me at that party? She's really nice, I usually sit near her and chat her up.

I grab my lunch and go sit next to Jason, the only seat available at the table. Almost immediately he wraps his arm around my shoulder laughing. "You're so pretty." Uncomfortably I thank him, pushing his arm off me. Looking for Chrissy she's not here.

The sounds of someone jumping stomping around steals everyone's attention, it's Eddie. What the fuck is he doing?

"As long as your into band or science or parrrrties or game where you toss balls into laundry baskets." Eddie yells, his messages obviously directed at the table I'm sitting at.

"You want something freak?" Jason says, stand up and puffing his shoulders at Eddie. Eddie uses his fingers to give him self devil horns and makes a weird sound. Finishing his weird display of dominance off with a laugh jumping off the table towards Jason.

"You think your so fucking cool because you're the captain of the football team." Eddie says only a few feet from Jason, are they about to fight?

"And you're a fucking freak." Jason spits out.

"I may be a freak but at least I'm not an asshole."

"Do you want to fight freak?" Jason ask, laughing. Please don't fight I think to myself.

"If it gets you off my back then fucking hit me. Get it over with." Eddie says taunting Jason by getting closer, not close enough to touch. He's grinning like his goal all along was to piss Jason off, why?

"Go sit at the table of losers." Jason says, pointing to the table where Dustin sits. He better not be talking about Dustin like that. I knew this boy was weird didn't realize he was the worst.

"But I thought you wanted to fight?" Eddie pouts, sticking his lower lip out.

"Why the fuck would I waste my time fighting such a fucking loser? Go sit with your freaks." I can't believe what I'm hearing right now, I stand up to try and stop whatever this is.

"Both of you stop it." I speak up, irritated. Like clock work Jason shushes me. Ain't no fucking way, this bitch just shushed me. I've been shushes my whole life by a man I'm not letting that ever happen again.

"Don't shush me."

Laughing Jason says, "I'll do whatever I want."

"Fuck you." I say angrily grabbing my bag to leave. I can feel my self getting mad, I don't want to be apart of this. I don't want to being attention to myself. I turn to leave but he doesn't shut up yet.

"Why do you even care?" Jason laughs.

"One of those freaks is my brother and apparently you're actually a giant asshole." I say confidently, snapping at Jason as I walk away.

"You're brother's a Hellfire member? That shits pathetic. I saw you at the party with Eddie, you must have some real daddy issues to be attracted to that." Jason laughs gesturing toward Eddie, igniting an anger in myself I've never felt before. I step up to Jason ready to do something unsure of what yet. "Why do you think I invited you to sit with us? Just to piss him off. What the fuck are you gonna do?" Jason laughs in my face. Without even thinking I swing my arm back and punch him as hard as I can muster in the chin. He spits out a few cuss words, grabbing his face.

Everyone gasps collectively, people starting to gather around. I'm in complete and utter shock, I can't believe I did that.

Teachers starts to show up a little to late. I'm busy staring at my hand in shock but I manage to notice Jason going to lunge at me and he's blocked by Eddie. Hitting Eddie instead, a smile spreads across Eddie's face before he hits Jason directly in the eye. I unknowingly smile, stopping myself when I realize how fucking crazy I look. It all sets in that I just punch Jason in the face, the most popular guy in school. I punched him. I fucked up big time.

When I look up from my fist, Jason is laying on the floor. Eddie looks to me, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine." I smile. In the mist of all this he still cares if I'm okay. Eddie turns back around, Jason is standing up again. Goes to punch Eddie, hitting him in the mouth. Teachers grab Jason, pulling off away from Eddie. People start to swarm around Jason's who's being pinned to the ground.

Grabbing Eddie's hand, I pull us through the crowd. "Where are we going?" Eddie asks.

"I dunno, away from here." I speak, making in through the crowd eyes on us the whole time.

latent love [eddie munson]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें