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Eddie's POV

It's been a few days since I last saw Emily. I started thinking of plan to bump into her again. I told Henderson that the Hell Fire Club should meet. He agreed with me and said his parents would be gone tonight. I told him that'd be perfect, just let me know when.

Gareth, Jeff and I are sat in my van down the street waiting. "Are you hoping you'll see Emily tonight?" Jeff teases. I don't say anything just roll my eyes.

"If you'd like we can ask Dustin to invite her to play?" Gareth suggest.

"Yeah don't do that." I shut his idea down.

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want to upset Henderson any more." They both nod in unison. Even though at this point I feel like it's inevitable that I'm gonna piss Henderson off especially if I keep up with trying to be something to Emily.


Once we get to Dustin's house we walk in, I peak around hoping to see Emily. I don't and now I'm annoyed, kind of don't want to be here anymore.

Mike and Luke are getting everything set up for the game. I sit and watch them make sure they do everything correctly. It sounds like they're talking about a party this weekend.

"Yeah it should be fun." Luke tells Mike.

"What would be fun?" I ask, interrupting their conversation.

"Nothing." They both look like they let something slip that they shouldn't have.

"Tell me." I snap. They look at each other then at Dustin.

"Dustin what are these two things talking about?" I holler at Dustin, "Sounds like there's a 'fun' party this weekend."

"It's nothing." He lies.

"Obviously it's something. Why are you all hiding this from me?" I'm starting get pissed now. I walk up behind Mike and Luke.

"You're gonna tell me." I grab the back of Mikes shirt lifting him off the floor.

"Fine." He lets out and I set him down, "Dustin's mom is throwing a birthday party for Emily." He spills.

I look towards Henderson, "I'm guessing I'm not invited."


"Why?" I ask.

"Okay even if I wanted to invite you, which I do, my mom would never allow it." He sighs.

"Well maybe I'll just ask Emily if she wants me there." I suggest.

"Please don't." Dustin pleads.

"Too late." I say heading up stairs straight to Emily's room.  As I ascend the stairs I hear Henderson let out an annoyed sigh and mutter fuck. He scolds Mike and Luke for even taking about it around me. I ignore them.

Now I'm standing in front of Emily's door. Unsure of what to do exactly. Would it be weird if knocked? Yes it would Eddie. What the fuck are you doing up here? It's too late I can't go downstairs without asking.

"Fuck it." I whisper and knock on the door. I hear her say 'come in' from in the room.

"It's Eddie." I say loud enough so she can hear me. I hear sounds of her shuffling around her room. A few moments later the door opens. I'm greeted by Emily, she's wearing pajamas. Her hairs wet like she just got out of the shower. Right away I push those thoughts out of my head. I feel like I'm staring too long.

"Can I help you?" She smiles at me. Fuck I was staring too long.

"I heard it's your birthday this weekend." She smiles at the mention of it.

"Yes it is."

"So," I pause for a few seconds trying to not come off as desperate. I don't know how to ask without actually asking. Fuck.

She must of realized what was going on because she says, "Do you want to come?"

"I mean if you want me to." I respond trying to play it off like I wasn't praying she'd ask me.

"I would like that." She chuckles.

"When is it?" I ask.

"Saturday, two."

"Okay. What about your mom?" I ask curiously.

"I'll figure it out. Just show up."

"Okay." I smile and she smiles back up at me. We sat there staring at each other. "Do you want to come down stairs?" I ask.

"Maybe if I didn't look like this." She motions to her outfit. I see nothing wrong with it.

"Like what?"

"Pajamas and wet hair."

"Oh yeah." I don't know what else to say at this point. "I gotta get back to the game. See you Saturday."

"Can't wait." She can't wait to see me again. I take one last look at her before I head back down stairs.

I'm greeted by then entire gang staring at me. "What did she say?" Jeff asks.

"That she can't wait to see me Saturday." I grin sitting down.

Dustin looks annoyed, "What about my mom?"

"I don't know. She said she figure it out."

"Good luck with that." He laughs.

"Maybe it's a chance to make your mom love me." Which causes Dustin to laugh even harder.

"You don't know my mom."

"Not yet."

"Whatever I'm not getting involved in that." Dustin let's me know.

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