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Emily's POV

Dustin's bedroom door is wide open, I notice he's laying in bed reading something. I let my self in and tell him, "You need to help me figure out how to get Eddie to my party."

"That's not happening." Dustin shakes he head at me.

"You have to. You need to make it seem like we met somewhere else, not here at the house. Other wise Richard and Mom will know you had them over when they were gone."

"Are you gonna tell them if I don't help you?" He sets his book down and looks offended.

"No it's not like that," I explained, "I thought maybe if mom thought you and I were somewhere and bumped into Eddie. Then I invited him to my party."

"Why don't we just tell her that's how it happened?"

"She wouldn't believe that. We've never been any where just me and you together." I further explain.

"So you want us to go somewhere?"


"Fine." He groans, obviously annoyed at me.

I just smile at him and say, "Thanks. Let's go."

"Right now?" He whines even louder when I nod yes.


Dustin decided the we'd walk to the video store cause it's close enough we didn't have to ask mom or Richard to drive us. I told her we were gonna go get a movie to rent. She just smiled and told us to have fun.

We're walking for about five minutes when I can see the store comes into view. We cross the street and make it into the parking lot. Just as we're able to walk behind a van parked in front of the store I look in the rear view mirror. Where I see Eddie sitting in the drivers seat. Shit.

I push Dustin to where Eddie can't see us. "Why did you invite him?"

"You told me to!" He looks at me like I'm crazy.

"No I did not. I said you and I just needed to leave the house so I'd have an excuse to tell mom where I met Eddie."

"Why do you care anyways?" He walks off towards Eddie's van leaving me. I audibly sigh and follow.

"Hey Eddie," Dustin knocks on his car window. Eddie looks up from his phone and smiles at me, completely ignoring Dustin. He opens the car door and steps out. "Okay I did my part can we leave now?"

I don't want to leave yet, "It has to be believable. We need to actually rent a movie."

"Movie night?" Eddie grins.

"No." Dustin mutters and walks inside leaving Eddie and I alone.

"I don't know why he's like that, so crabby." I say trying to start a conversation.

"It's only gotten worse since you moved here. Maybe it's you." He teases.

"No I definitely thinks it you."

"Maybe it's us." His grins turns smug when he sees me blushing. He opens the door for me and we go into the store. Dustin must know the guy working behind the counter because they're chatting. They notice us entering the store, the closer I get I recognize who it is. Steve.

Dustin always been pretty close to Steve. When he was younger and I would visit we would all hang out. That was until one time Steve asked me come over without Dustin. I was younger and naive, I had no idea why he'd want to hang out me alone. He is a few years older.

As soon as I got to his house he told me we should go to his room so I did. He sat down next to me for a while, just talking. I realized he kept getting closer to me. I was confused when his hand made its way to my thigh. Before I could even process what was happening he kissed me.

I didn't hate it but I stopped it. He profusely apologized several times. I just kept telling him everything was okay.

I called mom and she picked me up. After that I avoided him at all costs. That's how my first and only kiss thus far was Steve Harrington. Haven't seen him in years.

I approach the counter and Steve looks as uncomfortable as me.

"Hey Harrington." Eddie takes a seat and starts messing with stuff behind the counter. Steve slaps his hands away and tells him to stop.

I awkwardly stand there watching.

"Hi Emily." Steve acknowledges me.

"Hi." I barley let out a whisper.

"So you moved to Hawkins?" He asks.

"Yeah I did." It's real awkward. I sit next to Eddie and he give me look that says are you okay? I just nod slightly and look back at Steve, he's staring.

He doesn't look like the Steve I remember. Steve a few years ago was a lot shorter, a lot less hair, and more pimples. He's kinda cute now.

Steve goes back to his conversion with Dustin.

"Do you think your mom will actually be upset if I come Saturday?" Eddie asks and I stop watching Steve.

"Probably," I sigh, "She'll get over it."

"I just don't want to piss anyone off."

"If she says anything I'll tell her I met you today and invited you cause you seemed nice." He grins.

"I seem nice?" His grin gets even bigger.

"Yeah I think you're not nearly as scary as you try to make yourself seem."

"Really?" He looks like he's think about what I just said.


"So it's your birthday Saturday?" Steve interrupts.

"Yeah it is. You should come." I blurt out. Instantly wishing I hadn't said that.

"Wouldn't miss it." Steve says getting pulled away by a customer.

"Can we go yet?" Dustin asks.

"We still haven't rented a movie. Just pick something."

"Fine." He leaves to find a movie.

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