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Emily's POV

It's been a few days since I last saw Eddie, I've basically spent every second of those days thinking about him and what happened that night. We've been texting non stop since. He says one of his friends is having a party this weekend and I should come with him. He says then I can cross another thing off my list, I agree because any excuse to spend time with Eddie is good enough for me.

I have no one to talk to about all this. I consider texting Max but decide against it considering how she feels about Eddie.


Todays the day Eddie's going to pick me up to go the party. I spent all morning and afternoon freaking out. I told mom Eddie, Max, Lucas and I were going to go to the movies. Surprisingly she said that was okay. I figured it wasn't as bad of lie if part of it was truthful. I will be with Eddie tonight, we're just not going to a movie with Max and Lucas.

Eddie's gonna pick me up at 7 and right now it's 5. I have two hours to get ready. I contemplate how extra I want to dress. I've always gravitated towards a dark grunge esthetic. I was the kid watching YouTube videos on "how to be emo". Now that dads no longer in my life I can finally find my own style.

When mom left me alone in the mall I bought stuff that I know for a fact she'd disapprove of. I found a pair of fishnet tights, I'm wearing those tonight, I think Eddie will like them.

I pull out the bag that I know the fishnet tights are in, that I shoved all the way in the back where no one can see. Next I find the red black and white plaid skirt and black baby doll t-shirt, it has red hearts on it. It'll match perfect, I think. The skirt has a chain belt loosely attached to it.

I get dressed very quickly. Throwing on some sweats and a hoodie over my outfit so mom won't see what I actually plan on wearing tonight. I sit down and my desk, brush my hair. I was looking on Pinterest for hair styles for short hair and saw some girl separate the top half of her hair and split into two pigtails, I try to do that and it actually looks really cute so I leave it. I do very light make up because I feel like the hair and outfit are already doing so much.

Eddie should be here any minute at this point. I head downstairs and greet, Mom and Richard.

"That's what your wearing?" Mom ask.

"Yeah we're just gonna go watch a movie and maybe get dinner after. I just wanna be comfy." I lie.

"Is like a double date?" She asks.

"I think so."

"My baby going on her first date." She smiles, hugging me. I pray she can't feel the second layer of clothes under.

"Yeah so I better not be late. They're here."

"Have fun, sweetie. Be back by eleven." She let's go and I run out the house. I see Eddie's van parked across the street. I smile making my way towards his car.

I open the passenger door and am greeted by a happy Eddie. "Took you long enough." He jokes.

"Sorry my mom was asking a hundred questions."

"It's okay. What did you tell her?" Eddie asks.

"That you and I were going to the movies with Max and Lucas."

"And she let you leave the house?"

"Yes. I figured if I made it seem like a double date she wouldn't be so worried."

"Smart girl." He smiles and I start taking off my pants, "Woah what are you doing?"

"You think I'm gonna wear sweats to a party? No." I say pulling them off completely, revealing the skirt and tights. I can feel Eddie's gaze on my legs. Next I rip the hoodie off.

"Fuck, you're like really hot."

"Thanks," I say blushing feeling Eddie checking me out.

"You know we can just go back to mine? Skip the party." He smiles.

"I want to go though." Acting like I don't know what he means.

"Okay, I just don't want any one checking you out." Eddie admits.

"They won't."

He sighs, "They will."

I buckle up and Eddie starts the short drive to his friends house where the party's suppose to be. Before we arrive, I can hear the party from down the street. The house is full of people, inside and outside. Eddie parks and we get out together. He comes around the van and grabs my hands, it's finally gonna happen again. He kisses me, pushing me up against his van. I kiss back for a moment before he pulls away.

"You sure you don't want to go my house?" He asks again.


"I just want you all to myself." He eyes me up and down, stopping at the fishnet leggings. I knew he'd like them.

"I want to go to the party." I say disregarding what he says, kind of scared to be alone with Eddie now that we've kissed. I know he's not a virgin but I am not ready to give that up quite yet. I grab his hand and lead him towards the party.

Once we get close enough to the house Eddie let's go of my hand. I think that's strange but decide not to stress on it. I follow him into the house and watch him look around. He goes into the kitchen so I do too.

He fills a cup with some type of alcohol and passes it my way, fills up a second cup for himself. I take a sip and it's disgusting. I smile and tell Eddie it's good.

Just as Eddie's about to say something some guy approaches him.

"Hey Munson!" He yells over the music.

"What's up Trevor?" He yells back.

"Nothin much, who's this?" He motions to me.

Eddie looks back at me then back at his friend, "Oh this is Emily, my friend."


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