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Eddie's POV

Emily looks at me with so much sadness if her eyes. "You don't want to kiss me." She looks like she's on the verge of tears.

"No I do, really badly. Your drunk though." I reassure her, letting my hand rest on her cheek soothing her.


"I don't want to take advantage of you." I admit.

"I'm literally throwing myself at you Eddie and it still ain't enough." She rolls her eyes before looking away, turning her back to me.

"You are enough, you don't have to throw yourself at me." I pull her closer, so I'm the big spoon and she's little spoon. I wipe her tears away with my hand.

"We can talk tomorrow morning when you're sober, okay?"

"Okay." She sniffles.

"I didn't mean to make you cry. I just care about you too much to kiss you for the first time since the last while you won't remember the next day." Once again she's snoring, probably didn't hear any of that. Not like she's gonna remember anything tomorrow anyways.


I hear someone talking loudly. As I wake up the voice get louder. I quickly come to realization it's Emily. She's having s nightmare.

"Please don't." She says still asleep.

"Emily," I say her name shaking her awake, her eyes shoot open immediately followed by tears. I scoop her up in my arms, softly drawing circles on her face trying to calm her. "Breathe."

"I'm sorry." She says sniffling.

"What happened? Are you okay?" I ask concerned.

"Ever since I moved to Hawkins I keep having night mares that my dads gonna show up one day to take me back." She says, trying not to cry.

"That's not gonna happen, he's in jail." I try to reassure her so maybe she can relax.

"For a few years maybe, then what happens after that? What if he decides to come find me?"

"Your mom said she'd help you get a restraining order. They'd never let anything happen to you."

"You can't know that." She frowns.

"I promise as long as I'm in your life I will do anything to keep you safe." I let the words spill out, she smiles softly wiping her tears away. I use my shirt to further wipe them away.

"Thank you Eddie."

"Anything for you."


When morning rolls around I go to feel for Emily and I feel nothing. I roll over and see that her back pack and her clothes that were once on my ground are gone now. My band t-shirt she slept in folded neatly on my dresser. I stand up and go out into the living room, hoping that she's still here somewhere. Maybe she woke up before me and went to get a drink or something.

Soon I realize that is not the case there is not sight of Emily anywhere in my trailer. Looks like she even cleaned up the mess we left in the living room. I look at the clock on the stove it reads 10:26. Maybe she needed to leave early so her mom could pick her up. She just didn't want to wake me.

Every possible scenario runs through my head trying to convince myself that she's didn't just leave me. Especially after everything last night. I fell asleep so content with the thought of waking up and getting to tell her how I feel finally.

I head back to my bedroom to find my phone in the hopes that maybe she texted me. I turn it on and it says zero new messages, zero miss calls. Absolutely nothing so I text her.

Eddie: where'd you go?

Emily: my mom called around nine to pick me up I just left yours at 10 didn't want to wake you, tried to clean up my mess a little

I breath a sigh of relief.

Eddie: it's okay how are you feeling

Emily: like shit lol

Eddie: I'm sorry I tried to slow you down

Emily: it's okay

I can't help but feel like her texts are a lot shorter than normal. Maybe she's just hunger over right now. I don't like what this girl has done to me. She's got me worried about the length of her texts and coming up with scenarios is my head to soothe my own anxieties.

Emily: I'm probably gonna sleep all day told my mom I was feeling sick so she'd leave me alone lol

A double text? That's a good sign right. That last night was a complete fuck up.

Eddie: get some rest, princess

I sigh setting my phone down, wishing for a response but it never comes. Eventually I accept the fact that she probably fell asleep and move on with my day.


The entire day passes and I don't hear from Emily again. Every minutes that passes I feel my self grow more and more stressed. Replaying everything that happened last night, trying to think of anything that caused her to not message me. I decided to message her and get the ball rolling.

Eddie: did you get some rest? hope your feeling better

A few minutes pass before she responds.

Emily: Thanks

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