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"Good evening, Mr. Bouchard." The tiny brunette receptionist cooed at me as I walked into the Midnight Industry foyer.

"Hey...You." I have no idea what her name is. "By the way my name is Jake."

"Sorry." She smiled awkwardly.

"Please don't call, Mr Bouchard. It makes me sound old." I smiled knowing the irony of my actual age. "Jake."

Her smile grew wider as she nodded softly. "Good evening, Jake."

"Good evening to you." I gave her a wink and spun around quickly as I was late for a meeting.

"Good evening, Mr. Bouchard." A tall blonde girl with glasses smiled as she walked toward me with files in her arms.

"Sup." I winked, watching her blush as my eyes locked onto hers. "Names, Jake. Not that Mr stuff."

"Jake." She smiled, pushing her glasses up her nose. "I found the files for your next meeting, sir." She said, avoiding eye contact with me like she always did when I made her blush. "Mr. Morgan is already upstairs in your office."

"Shit. Senior or the other one?" I raised my eyebrow sharply, hoping it wasn't Bossman.

"Senior." She said right before hurrying away from me like she said a dirty word.

"Double shit." I sighed, looking back at the tiny brunette receptionist. "Is he mad?"

"To be fair, he always seems kind of mad." She shrugged, pressing her pink lips together.

"Ain't that the truth." I rolled my eyes and strolled to the elevator, my stomach in my ass.

"Jake!" I turned to see Ebony running to me with a big smile on her beautiful face. "I miss you." She said right before jumping into my arms.

My whole body seemed to relax as I held her tightly, her body heat making me tingle like it always does. "Hey, Eb." I closed my eyes and breathed in her familiar sweet scent. The urge to kiss her was almost overwhelming. "I miss you, too."

"Looking good in that suit." She said, sitting up on my waist as I held her close. "I like it."

"Who wouldn't?" I winked. "I look awesome."

She giggled and nodded her head. "I went looking for you last night, but you weren't there. I thought we could hang out or something." She pushed my hair out of my face. "Catch up about everything." She bit her lower lip, and my knees went weak. If I had a beating heart, it would be pounding in my chest right now.

"Sorry, I've been busy." I put her back on the ground as I cleared my throat and adjusted my pants subtly. "You know, work." I hated lying to her, but I wasn't about to tell her I was sleeping with my shrink, her assistant, and my dry cleaner at the moment. I didn't need the judgment or the questions right now. Not from her.

"Oh." She looked disappointed as she sighed. "I guess office life is keeping you on your toes." She nodded, looking over at the tiny brunette receptionist. "Is she the reason you're busy?"

"What? No."

"She's not? She's cute." Ebony smiled at me. "You can tell me. I won't tell. Please, just tell me."

"I'm not sleeping with the receptionist." I rolled my eyes. "Boss told me I'm not allowed to sleep with employees anyway."

"Of course he did. It's not like he ever slept with his assistant or anything." She crossed her arms over her chest.

"I'm actually looking for an assistant. You want to apply?" I winked at her and again had to hold myself back from touching her. "You could show me the ropes if you get my meaning."

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