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The pitch-black ocean around us fell silent as the pirate ship approached us fast on the wind. You could almost hear a pin drop as everyone anxiously awaited to see what was aboard.

"Is that thing eating a skull of something?" I gasped, watching this hideous thing eat a severed head like it was a watermelon. "Ok, that's disgusting, it just spat out the teeth like popcorn cornels." I gagged.

"Oh, that's disturbing. It's tearing through that bone like it's made of marshmallow." Callan turned his head away. "Is that what we look like when we feed?"

"No." I shook my head.

"That's exactly what you look like when you feed. It's a massacre." Bianca said, looking disgusted.

"How dare you," I said way too dramatically.

"Will you all shut up," Henry growled in front of us. "We need to focus on how we kill these....whatever they are." He pointed to the ship. "How do we kill them?" He whispered to Bianca in a panic.

"They look like Pitt demons," Bianca said, watching them intently. "Outcast Pitt demons but demons non the less."

"There are pitt demons?" I whispered to Callan pointing to the ship. "They look disgusting. Just like those gross rouge vampires back home. You remember the smell of those things?" I gagged remembering the stench.

"Shut up, dumbass." Bianca snapped over her shoulder at me.

"I wasn't talking to you, thank you." I snapped back at her. "Rude."

"I take it Pitt demons are pretty much the same as our rouge vampires?" Henry said, clearing his throat and giving me a nod of approval.

"One in the same." Bianca smiled wickedly and it made my skin crawl.

"And how does one kill a pitt demon?" Henry asked cautiously.

"With this." Bianca pulled out a rusted old knife from her belt.

"With that?" I laughed. "That couldn't even pierce a balloon."

Bianca glared at me as her green eyes turned black. "This knife has been cursed by satan and blessed by an angel. It will kill everything and anything it cuts into, including a pretentious, arrogant asshole who has no idea about anything." She hissed at me.

"She's got your number." Leon nudged me.

"Shut up." I snapped back at him.

"The way I see this happening, boys, is you keep them distracted as I'll kill them with the blade." Bianca smiled at us all sweetly. "And by that, I mean don't die." She looked right at me.

"Seriously? Another dead joke?"

"She ain't lying." Callan laughed, giving Bianca a high five. "He died." He cackled to himself.

"Geez. You die once, and everyone is a critic," I mumbled at them. "Glad we can all laugh about it now though. Not traumatized at all." I parented to laugh. "Good times."

"Right, so we have a plan." Henry ignored me and kept watching the ship approach us in the dark. "Protect the mermaid at all costs."

"That bitch is on her own." Bianca snapped at him. "Learn to fight or die, I say." She flicked her hair over her shoulder. "Right?" She smiled at me.

"Fuck off. All of you." I stormed away from them all as they laughed at me. I'm sick of being the butt of their jokes. I fucking sacrificed myself for them, and they laugh at me. I'm tired of this shit. I walked over to the front of the ship and took my position, ready to attack the enemy. I wasn't some useless damsel in distress, and I was about to prove it. "Fuck them," I yelled into the wind.

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