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"Look out!" Bianca yelled as she backflipped onto an enormous tentacle about to land on top of me. I watched as she tore the flesh of the tentacle in half and bounced back onto the deck. "You are useless. Move!" She yelled and pushed me to the side as she ran past. "Die!" She yelled, grabbing a rope tied to the deck and swinging overboard as she chopped another tentacle in half and flew through the air like a bird.

"That was pretty awesome." I shrugged, watching her swing on the rope like a pirate. "Still hate her, but that was impressive."

"Jake, behind you." Callan bellowed as he threw me a machete and tore the flesh off a massive claw, trying to scoop him up. "Not today, you bastard!"

"Nice!" I jumped up, caught the machete, and flipped over to stab the tentacle, trying to catch me in mid-air. "Take that, you bitch." I yelled as the knife cut threw the thick, sticky, wet tentacle-like butter. Black ink and blood squirted all over me, making me instantly gag. "It's in my mouth," I yelled, tearing the flesh from this thing as it tried to grab my ankles. "Piss off!"

"Your left!" Henry called as another massive tentacle hit the deck, sending bits of broken wood flying through the air. Henry jumped onto the tentacle and began shredding it with his bare hands.

"I got it." I pounced onto the enormous claw, dragging whatever it could find into the ocean with it. "Tear, you fucker!" I screamed in frustration as I ripped the claw off and threw it back into the water. Blood splattered all over me again. "That's just gross." I spat it out of my mouth. "I always hated seafood!"

I dropped to the deck and landed on my back as my leg started to throb uncontrollably.

"All clear?" Henry yelled, wiping the blood dripping from his face.

"All clear," Leon yelled, resetting his broken elbow in place and groaning loudly.

"Clear," Callan said, resetting his wrist and putting his hand on his bleeding side.

"Jake?" Henry yelled, looking around frantically.

"Here!" I called, raising my hand in the air as I lay on the shattered deck. "Broken leg and possibly broken neck, but I'm here."

"Good. Bianca?" Henry yelled. "Where are you?"

There was silence.

"Bianca, let me know you here," Henry yelled even louder as the wind started to pick up and push the waves against the ship. "Bianca! I order you to respond."

I sat up and reset my broken leg with a painful moan. "Mother fucker." I groaned as my bones throbbed in pain. Healing was an excruciating process for a vampire body. "Where is she? I need to go to bed, damn it." I groaned again as I clicked my neck back into position. "I'm gonna feel that tomorrow night."

"BIANCA?" Leon bellowed, jumping up on the helm. "I can't see her. BIANCA!"

There was silence once again.

"Shit!" Henry said in a panic. "Everyone search the ship. I'll get the crew to help look for her. If she dies, I feel there will be massive consequences for us."

"I'll check the front of the ship," Leon called. "BIANCA!"

"Jake, check the water at the back," Henry ordered. "Callan, check the rooms. I'll check the below deck."

"On it." Callan sped off to the cabins.

"Why do I get the...." I looked around, but Henry and Callan were gone. "Son of a bitch." I groaned as I stood up and wobbled on my healing leg. "Bianca? Where are you damn it?" I hobbled over to the ship's side and used it to balance myself. It must be past midnight by now, and the ocean was pitch black. I couldn't see her out there if my life depended on it, and I guess it kind of does. I peered into the deep dark ocean splashing against the ship's side. "Mmm, nothing but pitch-black ocean. I'm shocked at this revelation." I rolled my eyes and walked along the ship, trying to keep my balance as we rocked with the waves. "BIANCA? I don't have time for your bullshit! BIANCA!" I didn't notice the rope tied to a deck and then hanging over the edge of the ship. I tripped and fell face-first onto the hard wooden surface of the deck. "OUCH!!!" I yelled as searing pain shot through my nose.

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