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"I know this might look bad, but it's completely innocent." I fought the urge to touch Claudia even though her blood screamed at me to devour her. "Nothing is going on here, man." My voice cracked as I began to shake a little in hunger. "Help me," I whispered to Bianca as I started to panic.

"We were just talking about life in hell." Bianca touched my arm, trying to calm me down. "You know all the wonderful stories you hear about hell and the devil." Bianca looked at Claudia. "I can't wait to show fish stick here some of my favorite places."

"Yes, Hell." Claudia smiled, moving back from Bianca slightly. "It sounds.....lovely."

"I see." Henry looked directly at me. "Jake, can I see you for a moment, please? I have something to discuss with you."

"Am I in trouble?" I felt myself being drawn to Claudia as my veins screamed out for her blood. "You know what? Let's chat. Sounds good." I almost ran out of that room. I couldn't get away from her fast enough.

"What is going on?" Henry asked calmly, walking to me and standing on the deck. "And don't lie to me, Jake. I deserve your honesty."

I sighed and looked out at the black ocean lapping against the ship. "God damn it." I sighed as the guilt gave me nausea. "Fuck. I just have to say it." I swallowed the lump in my throat. "I bit her," I said, hanging my head down in shame. "I bit Claudia and drank her blood when I was possessed." I closed my eyes. "I fucked up, Henry. I fucked up big time."

"Oh?" Henry sounded shocked, but I still didn't look at him. "You drank from her?"

"It's flowing through my veins like acid as we speak. I can taste her on my tongue, and I'm going crazy because I want to touch her. I want to be inside her like my life depends on it. I would rather die right now than be without her." I looked over at Henry as my hunger for Claudia raged through my body. "I want to devour her again and again." I felt my skin start to tingle as Claudia appeared at the door behind Henry. My body flushed hot, and it almost felt like my heart was beating. "Help me," I begged, falling to my knees. "I can't control this anymore. I want her. I want to bend her over the ship's side and pound her until she can't walk anymore. I want to suck her body dry and bathe in her blood." I felt that pounding feeling in my chest again, but this time it hurt, and I clutched my chest in agony. "What is happening?" I groaned, throwing my head back, as my chest felt like it was going to explode.

"Get Claudia out of here," Henry said almost too calmly. "Steer the ship to that island as we are making an emergency evacuation."

"On it." I heard Leon's voice.

"Callan, lock him up and keep him under control any way you can." Henry was mad. "And I mean anyway you can."

"Oh, this is going to be fun." I heard Callan's laugh. "So I can use any force I want?"

"Hello?" I moaned from the ground. "In absolute agony here."

Callan looked down at me. "Seriously? Any force I want?" He looked back at Henry.

"Do what you have to do." Henry nodded. "The ship has taken some damage since our attack, and I think keeping Jake away from everyone at the moment is a good thing. Bianca, can you help Callan, and I'll watch Claudia."

"I'm not on fish duty?" Bianca looked shocked. "Hell yes, I will gladly be anywhere but near this." Bianca almost pushed Claudia over, trying to get away from her. "Happy to help with the force." She gave Callan the thumbs up.

"You are perfect." Callan smiled softly as he ogled her standing there.

"Stop eye fucking her, you moron." I groaned, rolling on the ground.

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