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I hadn't seen Bianca since the island, and that was probably a good thing. I couldn't get her out of my brain, and it was driving me crazy. She was avoiding me, but that's ok because, to be honest, I was avoiding her as well. Neither of us was going to admit anything at this point. I meant what I had said to her on the island. I think I am starting to feel something for her beyond sex. I've known her for a while now, and although she is probably the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, it's more than that. I actually care about her and what she thinks about me, which is weird because, usually, I don't give a shit about anyone's opinion. There have only ever been two other women in my life that I have cared about like this. Audrey, my human wife and my Ebony. The only two beings who made me feel something...anything good about myself.

I walked to the front of the ship and looked up at the moon as it reflected onto the pitch-black ocean waves and sighed. I was tired, and I was weak from drinking very little blood. I felt dizzy and nauseous, so I closed my eyes and tried to focus on my spinning head. "I just want to go home." I groaned, hanging my head down to my chest. "I miss my home, and I miss Ebony. I wish she were here with me." I groaned as I rubbed my throbbing head.

"If you miss her that much, why aren't you with her?"

My whole body froze as I heard Bianca's voice.

"I mean, if you love her that much, you should tell her."

I turned around slowly and saw B standing against the mast, dressed in black jeans and a cropped black jumper that showed off her toned stomach. "It's not like that between us." I avoided looking at her and stared off at the sea behind her.

"Are you sure? It seems to me that you are in love with the girl." She shrugged and turned her head to look up at the moon.

"Like I said, it's not like that between us." I looked back out towards the ocean. "She is my world, but she is also just a friend."

Bianca stood next to me and leaned against the ship. "You want her, so why don't you just take her." She shrugged, looking confused. "What's the difference?"

"Everything." I ran my hand through my hair and shook my head. "And absolutely nothing." I hung my head down and sighed loudly.

Silence fell between us as we avoided taking the conversation forward. The waves lapped against the ship as we both stared off into space. The rhythmic rise and fall of the water against the wood of the ship helped to calm my spinning head.

"Are you looking forward to being back in your world?" Bianca said, clearing her throat. "With the other bloodsuckers and the humans." She gagged a little at the word humans.

"I am. Are you looking forward to...hell?" I looked over at her and smiled as she made these weird faces. "What are you doing?"

"I'm trying to look like a human again. You know, make those ridiculous faces they make when they feel stuff." She pretended to look shocked, worried, confused and something that I wasn't sure about.

"What was that one?"

"I was trying to look like they do in those stupid romantic movies I used to watch." She made a face again, but it just looked like she was in pain.

"Yeah, I don't know what kind of sick porno movies you used to watch, but that is disturbing." I laughed but then pressed my lips together as she glared at me like I had killed her cat.

"How dare you! I watch good old-fashioned hard-core BDSM like everybody else. I mean, do I sometimes watch the alien stuff when I'm feeling freaky? Sure, who doesn't but that's only because we have a lot of porn stars and aliens in hell. It's a free show down there, and damn it, I'm going to watch it." She smiled and tried not to laugh. "Although the granny stuff is really sick. I know why they were sent to hell, let me tell you." She shivered at her words.

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