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"B, wake up." I shook her gently as she slept on the soft white sheets of the bed. "Bianca?" I touched her hand on the edge of the bed. "B, I just want to check on..."

Her eyes sprung open, and she instantly jumped up with her hand around my throat. Her nails dug into my skin as she stared at me with black eyes.

"It's me." I smiled at her as I was suddenly put in a headlock. "It's all good. You just passed out. You were exhausted." I pulled her hand off my neck. "It's ok. I was just checking on you."

"Where am I?" She looked around the room frantically,  in a panic. A panicked demon is an unpredictable demon and I don't need that.

"You're in the castle. You passed out from exhaustion, and you've been asleep for hours. I just wanted to make sure you were alright." I held my hands up in surrender and sat on the bed next to her. "You feel any better?"

She sat down on the bed slowly. "I think so." Her eyes landed on the fire from the tiki torches around her bed. "Fire? How is there fire?"

"You said you needed fire, so I got you fire." I shrugged at her. "They gave me these torches from the dining hall. It's not much I know, but I thought it might help you."

"You did this? For me?" She looked confused, almost like she had never seen an act of genuine kindness before. "Why?"

"Because you said you needed it."

"Yeah, but why did you help me? Do you expect something in return?" She raised her eyebrows at me. "Cos that ain't happening, you hear me, night stalker."

"Is that why you assume I did something nice?"

"That's why all males do nice things." She snapped back at me.

"Not true, but ok." I shook my head. "I did it purely to help you. Not to get anything in return. I expect nothing from you, trust me." I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "Is it helping?"

Bianca stretched out her hand, and a small ball of fire appeared in her palm. "It's helping." A slight smile spread across her face as she watched the flame flicker on her hand. "You didn't need to do this but thank you." The fireball in her hand lit up as she looked at it. "I thought I was stronger than this, but it seems the further I get from home, the weaker I become." The fireball in her hand turned to burning flames as she looked at me. "Thank you for the gesture, you parasite."

"Nice one." I sighed. "Wait? You're not going to hurt me with that, are you?" I stepped back as the flames grew on the torches around us. "I'm not a big fan of being on fire. I tried it once in the Philippines, but it wasn't for me."

Bianca smiled as the flames were suddenly ablaze with color all around us. She lifted her head to the heat of the flames and closed her eyes as the flames bent toward her on the bed. She lifted her arms above her head ever so slowly and breathed in the fire to her body. It was the freakiest thing I had ever seen, yet slightly arousing. She smiled and gave a quiet moan of pleasure as her body started to glow the color of the flames.

"Ok, I'll just leave you and your flames alone for a minute." I quickly walked to the door dodging fire swirling around the room. "If you need me, I'll be somewhere else....and you don't care. Enjoy your fire, I guess." The flames crackled and filled the room with an intense heat that made me very nervous. "I'm out. Don't cook the fish in the walls. Ok, great. Have fun." I waved and ran out of the door. "What the hell was that?" I whispered under my breath.

"There you are. Bro, I just saw the most beautiful.....You alright? You look terrible." Callan laughed, patting me on the back.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just hot and burnt a little." I looked at the singed hairs on my arm. "What's up?"

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