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A guttural, deep growl roared in my head followed by screams of sheer panic and terror. I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't see anything but darkness around me. No sound escaped my lips, no matter how hard I tried, and I desperately wanted to yell for help. Where am I? Why can't I find anyone? It was like I was lost in someone's nightmare with no sign of escape and as every second in this dark place ticked over my urge to kill was becoming uncontrollable.

The instinct to hunt was getting stronger, almost overwhelming. I could only see the dark, but I could feel the creatures around me. I could feel their fear as they ran for their lives. It was like a beam of emotion that led me straight to them, and I wanted to hurt them. I had the urge to kill anyone, anything I could find like I needed their death to live.

"Stop." I heard a female voice scream inside my head. "Stop, Jake. Please." I recognized that voice, but I didn't care. It meant nothing to me. I heard a scream of pain, and I smiled. "Please. Don't do this." A scream again filled my head as pleasure pulsed through my body. I was feeding on its fear, and I wanted more. I needed more.

"He can't hear you anymore." Another voice. "He isn't in control anymore."

"The exorcism isn't working. Why isn't it working?"

Who are these creatures? Why won't they just fucking DIE?

"Jake, siste nunc hoc." (Jake, stop this right now.) Her voice was loud in my head. "Impero tibi eum solum relinquere. satanas imperat tibi." (I command you to leave him alone. Satan commands you.) I felt a pain in my head as the voice got louder. "Redire ad infernum ubi pertinent tibi fragmen stercore" (Go back to hell where you belong, you piece of shit.) A bright light blinded me, and a searing pain shot through my body as I yelled out in pure anger. It felt like my skin was being ripped off my body slowly.

"Si vado ad infernum venistis mecum tu bitch." (If I'm going to hell, you are coming with me, you bitch.) I sneered and lunged at the creature, trying to hurt me. This thing was not human. It was a demon, and it was powerful, but it was weak against this creature. It could easily kill me with a snap of its fingers, but it didn't. It didn't even try. It was holding back the truth. I could smell the deception and lies from here. This creature was not who it was pretending to be. Sed nescio quid faciunt. Scio quid arcessitus es." (They don't know what you are, but I do. I know what you were sent for.) I laughed and squeezed the demon's neck. "Purus es malus, et interficient te sicut me. Huc pertinent vos don't. Non es quod dicis." (You are pure evil, and they will kill you just like me. You don't belong here. You are not what you say you are.) I slammed the creature against the wall. "Vide te in inferno, bitch." (See you in hell, bitch.) I spat in its face as blood poured from my mouth, and I dropped to the ground shaking uncontrollably as pain slowly ripped my body apart.
"Jake?" I heard a voice in my ear and a warm hand on my cheek. It sounded upset, almost sad. "Jake, please wake up." I recognized Bianca's accent. "Jake!"

"Ok, ok." I groaned, rubbing my throbbing head. "Fuck me. Did I do acid again while jumping out of a plane because that didn't go well the first time. Here's a tip. Always remember to open a parachute while in the air not once you hit the ground and break everything in your body. That was my bad." I tried to sit up, but everything hurt and went fuzzy. "Nope. That's not going to happen." I laid back down again and groaned.

"Yeah, dude, you probably shouldn't move that much. I'm not a doctor, but I think the fact that I can see your liver probably doesn't mean you are in great shape." I heard Callan's voice. "Yeah, it's kind of gross, to be completely honest."

"My liver is hanging out?" I tried to sit up again and regretted it instantly as I groaned in pain. "Motherfucker, that stings."

"It's not just your liver, FYI." Callan pointed. "What the heck is that thing?" He made a face. "Do I have one of those things in my body?"

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