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"We have a problem," I yelled, walking into Bianca's room and slamming the door behind me. "We have a big...tight...round...perfect...." I stuttered, lost for words, as Bianca stood in front of me, wearing nothing but her black silk bra and thong. "You....I...wait...Why was I here?" I leaned back on the door casually.

"To annoy the shit out of me." She pulled up her black jeans over her long, toned legs. "Just like you always do." She was utterly oblivious to the fact that I was staring at her perfect body, almost drooling. "What do you want?" She made a face at me as she stood up and reached for her black top. "What?"

"Umm, I...Oh, yeah. We have a problem." My voice cracked as she pulled her tight shirt over her body. "Damn."

"Is it the mermaid?" She raised her eyebrows suspiciously.

"Yes. How did you know?"

"Just a hunch. Is the mermaid dead?" She smiled wickedly as her eyes went solid black.


"Ok. You want me to help you kill her and get rid of the body?" She pouted her perfect red lips at me as her smile widened.


"You want me to kill her and..."

"No." I sighed, frustrated. "B, I drank from her when I possessed, and now I want to do it again. Mermaid blood is like an aphrodisiac to us, and right now, I have the urge to pull her head off and drink from her like a water fountain."

"I'm so turned on right now." She lunged and pushed me against the door hungrily, biting her bottom lip. "You have no idea what I would do to you if you killed that disgusting creature." Her hands were in my hair. "I would destroy you." She smiled sweetly as she tugged at my hair. "In a good way."

"I'm not going to kill her, B."

"Then get out of my room, loser." She pushed herself away from me in pure disgust. "Ew." She scoffed, brushing off her entire body dramatically.

"If I kill her, I die." I shook my head.

"So, it's torture you're looking for? I'm glad you came to me." She purred, walking back to me slowly. "And I thought you didn't know me."

"No." I smiled as she pressed herself against me. "I'm not going to hurt her either."

"Then why the fuck are you here?" She pushed me back against the door hard. "Get out."

"I need your help." I protested. "I'm in serious trouble."

"Sounds more like a you problem, doesn't it." She shrugged as her eyes changed back to emerald green.

"Bianca, come on. I'm in serious trouble. I literally have no self-control when it comes to these things. None!"

"Not my problem." She shook her head and folded her arms over her chest.

I groaned loudly, frustrated at this ridiculous situation I was in yet again. "If I tell the others, they will just freak out and lock me up in the bottom of this ship like an animal."

"Still seeing no problem here?" She raised her eyebrow sharply.

"B!" I stomped my foot on the ground angrily. "If I hurt this girl, I'm as good as dead. Help me."

"Why should I? I told you to stay away from her."

"I know. I know. You were right." I rolled my eyes.

"Damn right, I was." She snapped at me.

"What do I do?" I started to panic as I could feel Claudia's sweet blood calling to me. I could taste her on my tongue as my desire for sweet flesh pulsed through me like electricity. "Help me."

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