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"What are we doing out here exactly?" Bianca stood close to me at the forest's edge as everyone entered the vampire world via the secret portal. "It's freezing out here." She shivered, hugging herself tightly.

Henry put out an SOS on the rogue vampires as they were after mermaid blood. The effects of mermaid blood were said to rejuvenate the minds of lost vampires, but as far as anyone was concerned, it was just a rumor. There was no proof, as no mermaid had ever been captured to test the theory. This could go horribly wrong, considering her blood's effect on me. Who knows what effect it would have on a rogue bloodthirsty insane creature? Apparently, they didn't get the part of the memo where you don't believe everything you hear.

"Boss wants us to ambush the rogue vampires, so they don't see us coming. That means we need to take the back portal." I took her hand in mine and squeezed gently. "Are you ready?"

"Pffff, I'm a fire demon, and nothing scares me...Wait? Ready? For what?" She looked horrified at what I was about to do. "Why are they running off the cliff like that? Jake? What is happening?"

"Run!" I smiled as I pulled her towards the portal just under the cliff. "Just trust me," I yelled back at her as she pulled back on my arm with resistance.

"Jake! Are you insane? It's a fucking cliff!" She yelled, trying to pull her hand from mine. "Are you crazy? We're going to jump off a perfectly good cliff?" She screamed as we plummeted off the cliff and fell straight toward the portal.
I pulled her close as I knew we would hit the ground once we entered the portal. "You need to tuck and roll," I yelled to her as we passed through. Bianca just nodded and curled into a ball as we landed with a thump. I rolled straight into a rock with a thud. "I hate that fucking rock." I groaned as Bianca suddenly rolled into my back with a thump."That got it." I moaned, clicking my neck back into place.

"Who puts a portal there?" Bianca groaned, rubbing her head.

"I never said vampires were known for their intelligence." I peeled myself off the rock like a squashed lizard. "Welcome to the vampire world. Is it everything you hoped and dreamed it would be?" Sarcasm was oozing from my lips as I sighed in disappointment about being back here. "How is it worse than I remember?"

Bianca stood up and looked around in disbelief. "It's disgusting."

"There's my girl." I smiled proudly as I looked around, horrified. "You get it."

"Right, now that everyone is here, we can discuss our plan of attack," Bossman yelled in front of the small crowd.

"Jake, hey man." Vinnie walked over to me and patted my back, ignoring the commotion at the front. "How the hell are...Oh, hello there, pretty lady. How are you doing?" Vinnie gawked at Bianca as she dusted off her black jeans. "Aren't you just a specimen of perfection in this horrible dark world?"

"Aren't you just a disgusting fly on this dung heap of a world?" Bianca scoffed as she walked past him.

"Oh, she's a keeper." Vinnie pointed, clearly impressed by Bianca's reaction. "Where did you find her." He ogled Bianca as she looked around at the vampire world with pure curiosity. "I could suck on those legs for days."

"Aren't you married?"

"Yeah, what's that got to do with her legs?" Vinnie shrugged like I was the moron in this conversation.

"Where is Hayley, anyway?"

"Jake!" I felt someone jump on my back and hug me. "When did you get back?"

"Hey, girl." I swung Hayley to my front and hugged her. "How are you? Still married to this idiot?" I hit Vinnie in the arm as he scowled at me.

"Aww, he's my beautiful vampire man." Hayley blew Vinnie a kiss. "And yes, unfortunately. So, how are you? We've missed you on our Scooby missions. Catching souls without you hasn't been the same."

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