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"Stop!" Leon shouted from the front of the ship as we all froze like it was a game. "It's here."

"Here?" Henry said, confused, looking around the pitch-black ocean. "I don't see anything."

"It's here." Leon smiled, pointing ahead. "I bet my life on it. The air is colder, and the stars are brighter. I can feel them watching us. They know we are here." He reached for a fire-lit torch and held it in front of him. "They are watching our every move." He said, staring in front of him.

I stood beside him and tried to copy his line of sight into the ocean. "I'm not seeing it. I see night." I shrugged.

"You don't see it," Leon said impartially. "How many times have I told you? You feel it."

I looked back at Henry and Callan, who looked just as confused. "To be fair, you said you felt it last night too." I smiled back at Leon.

"And the night before that." Callan chimed in. "The night before that as well."

"Well, I feel it tonight. I'm one hundred per cent sure..."

"That's what you said last night." I cut Leon off and tried not to laugh.

"And the night before that." Callan chimed in again.

"Will you two idiots shut up." Leon snapped at us. "Noxus is here!" He yelled in my face.

"Geez, someone's got attitude tonight," I said, backing away from Leon. "Don't get your thong in a twist."

"So help me, Jacob. If you say one more thing." Leon growled in my face as I zipped my lips shut and held up my hands in surrender. "Thank you."Leon cleared his throat. "Now, as I was saying...."

"This is the place," Bianca said, walking toward us. "I can feel it."

"See! The demon gets it." Leon said, pointing at Bianca. "Thank you."

"If it's here, then where is it?" Henry looked over the side of the ship. "I see nothing..Sorry. I mean, I feel nothing."

"I feel fear." Bianca smiled, closing her eyes and smelling the air.

"That's concerning," I said, making a face.

"What's our next move?" Henry asked, looking at everyone.

"We wait." Bianca smiled, opening her eyes slowly. "They are close." Her green eyes twinkled with anticipation of their arrival.

"Are we going to be under attack?" Callan asked, still watching Bianca.

"Maybe." She smiled at him. "Scared, big boy?"

"No," Callan said, blowing off his obvious concern. "Just worried about this one." He hit my arm hard. "He's not a true blood like the rest of us."

Bianca turned to look at me. "Really? You were human?"

"What does that have to do with anything?" I snapped at her.

"It doesn't." She shrugged innocently. "I just find it interesting."

"I was born a vampire," Callan said, ignorant to the fact that Bianca was talking to me. "Born into the Morgan bloodline." He flexed his muscles at her.

"Who turned you?" Bianca said, ignoring Callan.

"One of the greatest vampires to ever walk the planet," I said proudly.

"He means my father," Callan said, rolling his eyes.

"Oh, that handsome vampire you were talking to before in that portal?" Bianca smiled at Callan. "He was hot."

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