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"I'll get this one," Bianca said calmly, crouching down on the branch and looking up at the creature approaching us at full speed. "You get that one." She smiled softly, looking down through the trees.

"What one?" I looked down into the tree below my feet.

"That one." She pointed to a sharp-horned mutation of a bull creature climbing the tree below my feet. "He looks pissed too. Have fun." She smiled at me before lunging herself off the tree onto the back of the flying beast.

"Holy fuck." I sighed, looking at the mutant creature making its way to me up the thick trunk of this tree. "How the hell do I kill you?" The tree started to shake as this enormous thing climbed closer to me. "Shit. Shit. Shit! How do I kill it? Heart or Head. Bossman always told me heart or head if I'm in doubt. Right, here we go." I beat my chest aggressively, trying to amp myself up, and yelled as loudly as possible. Intimidation is crucial to success when fighting against creatures like this. You can't show fear. Fear is a weakness.

"Come on, bitch!" I yelled down to the beast. "You scared? You should be, fucker!" I threw punches in the air and laughed like a crazy person. Intimidating is the key.

The mutated beast let out an all-mighty roar as it neared the top of the tree and shook it fiercely, trying to knock me off. I held onto the tree branch with my arms and legs as the beast reached up with its clawed hand and tried to grab me. "No. No! No! No!  No, touching!" I pulled myself to my feet again and held onto the truck as it climbed to meet me.

"Come on, let's go!" I yelled at it. "I can see you." I spun around and kicked it right in the face causing it to stumble back on the branch slightly. "Ha! Take that, you ugly bastard." I flipped over and smashed its nose with my fist before it had time to react. "You might be bigger than me, but you will never beat me!" I climbed up through the branches making it to the very top. "Come on. Up you come." I teased it as it followed me up, grunting loudly.

The beast climbed to the top of the tree, and I knew if it got a hold of me, I would be dead. It couldn't move as fast as I could, but it certainly beat me with strength. This thing's arms were bigger than my chest. "You want me? Come and get me, pretty boy." I winked and blew it a kiss, trying to get it to charge at me. "Let's dance, baby. Come on." I did a little tango move as it tried to get me with its razor-sharp horns. "You're going to have to do better than that." I taunted it as I danced again. "Now, how the hell am I going to rip off your head with horns like that? Shit!" If I was going defeat this mutation of a bull creature, I was going to have to use all my strength and wits to do this. I could jump on it and try to rip its head off, or I could use one of these branches to go through its chest, or I could run. Running away might be my best option here. I don't want to run, but I might stand a better chance.....I didn't have time to think of anything else as the creature charged with full force right at me. It obviously forgot that we were on top of a very tall tree and ran straight past me, plummeting to the ground. I felt the ground shake as it landed with a thud.

"Huh." I looked around, still confused at what had just happened. "What the hell just...Is it dead?" I quickly climbed down the tree to see the damage done to the beast and was shocked at what I saw. The beast was lying on the ground with a snapped-off tree truck sticking through its chest. It had been impaled by a broken tree and killed instantly. "Get the fuck out of here!" I laughed, sliding down to the ground. "No way that just happened. No fucking way." I stood there in complete shock.

"Well done, Jake." Henry clapped, walking to me. "That was amazing. How did you know to throw it off the edge like that? Remarkable." He patted me on the back.

"Well done, kiddo." Leon cheered. "I honestly thought you were a goner when I saw that thing go after you. Well done."

"Thank you. Thank you." I bowed at them. "It was just good planning and skill." I bowed again. "It is dead right?" I kicked its hoof to make sure.

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