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"I'm sorry, but mermaids don't exist." Ebony laughed as we explained our unbelievable mission from the devil. "That's ridiculous."

"As ridiculous as marrying a vampire and having a baby creature with said vampire...who, according to your kind, doesn't exist." Callan raised his eyebrows suspiciously. "You're right. Absolutely ridiculous."

"That's different." Ebony scoffed, cuddling Cayden.

"Yeah, ok." Callan rolled his eyes and looked over at me. "You ever meet a mermaid in your whoring days? I mean you basically slept with every creature ever heard of right? No vagina left behind I believe was your motto..."

"I slept with a girl who thought she was a mermaid. Does that count?" I shrugged innocently. "Water sex is awkward when you have a pretend tail flapping around, though. Do you know how hard it is to get yourself in the right position to...."

"And I don't care." Callan cut me off punching my arm.

"Ouch! I was just answering your question. Damn." I punched Callan in the stomach, making him grunt in pain.

"Boys! Stop it." Ebony said sternly, giving us both the look.

"He started it." I glared at Callan.

"I don't care. Enough." Ebony once again glared at us like we were toddlers fighting in a schoolyard.

"Mermaids do exist, I assure you," Henry said, changing the subject and the sudden tension in the room. "Not in any of our worlds, of course, but my father told me stories of an entire underwater world called Noxus. He used to tell me these stories when I was a child about the creatures who lived there. Human top half and a fishtail. He told me they were the most beautiful creatures he had ever seen. They locked themselves away from others centuries ago in fear of the darkness. I have never seen one myself."

"I have." Leon chimed in. "I remember when I was possessed by the darkness, it used to taunt the creatures by taking away their water. I do agree they were magnificent creatures. I didn't think there were any left, to be honest."

"Do you remember where to find this world?" Boss said, sitting next to Ebony.

"Not exactly, but I could probably get you close." Leon shrugged.

"Question." I raised my hand. "How does one transport a mermaid through worlds? Are we carrying a tank on our backs?"

"Mermaids have evolved just like us," Henry said. "They can survive on land for some time and even grow legs, but they need water to live, of course. They need to be returned to the water to live. I'm not sure how long they might survive without water, though. That is something we are going to have to find out."

"So basically, we have absolutely no idea where this mermaid is, and even if we do find her, we have no idea how we are going to get her back to our world without her slow and painful death." I smiled at everyone in the room as they stared at me silently. "Cool."

"I'll have my staff work on this and see what they can find out," Henry said, standing up. "You guys work on finding the souls, and I'll work on the mermaid situation as best I can. Leon, I'll need your assistance at the castle."

"You got it." Leon nodded.

"Right, I'll help the boys with the soul collection while we figure out the mermaid and Ebony, you stay here with Cayden," Boss said firmly to everyone. "Penelope can help us track the souls down to make this process quicker. Vinnie, can you assist Henry and Leon with research?"

"Sure thing, boss." Vinnie gave the thumbs up.

"Wait, why am I stuck here?" Ebony said, glaring at boss.

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