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"How are you feeling, boy?" Leon said as he sat next to me in the common room, drinking blood out of a coffee cup. "You look like shit."

"Thank you and honestly, I'm not even sure." I lifted my head from the table. "I feel like I've been cleaned out with bleach and then topped up with acid and then set on fire." I banged my head on the table as I got flashes of horrid memories in my head. "Why is this happening? What did you do?" I looked up at Leon as pain shot through my body again. "Why won't it stop? The sounds and pictures in my head won't stop and it's driving me crazy!"

"You had pure evil inside you, kid. You can't just pull that shit out and not expect a little something to be left behind..."

"There is still something in me?" I gasped.

"There is always some kind of residue matter left after a possession. Especially when the creature was as vile as the one that was in you." He made a face.

"Oh, that's nice coming from the guy who was possessed by the darkness. I feel a lot better now. Thank you." I banged my head on the table again, groaning loudly.

"Look, I know how you are feeling. You are getting flashes of memories in your head that aren't yours?"

"Uh-huh." I groaned as the pain continued to ravage my body.

"You're getting pain day and night that feels like your insides are trying to bury their way out?"

I lifted my head slightly. "It feels like I'm giving birth to a you-sized alien," I whispered, horrified at the thought of it. "Baby wants to come out and I'm afraid of which hole it's going to choose!"

Leon nodded like that was a perfectly normal thing to say. "How are your nightmares?" Leon smiled, sipping his blood smugly.

"Oh, the day terrors are killing me. I keep seeing you all dead or screaming out in pain. I haven't slept in days." I closed my eyes as I felt another wave of anxiety and pain sweep over me. "The night waves are just as bad, to be honest. I can even see visions of horror with my eyes open. I can't do this anymore." I rubbed my eyes and laid back in the chair. "Death must be better than this."

"Can I give you some advice?" Leon leaned closer to me.

"Are you going to tell me to suck it up?" I groaned, raising my eyebrows at him.

He laughed and nodded his head. "So you aren't as stupid as you look."

"Arrrrr!" I kicked my legs and yelled like a toddler having a tantrum. "I fucking hate demons!"

"We aren't all complete savages, you know." I heard Bianca's voice grumble.

"I didn't mean you, B." I sat up and gagged as my stomach churned.

"Yes, you do." She snapped at me. "That's exactly what you meant. I believe you said and I quote 'I fucking hate demons'. Sounds pretty profound to me."

"B, I'm just tired." I hung my head down in complete exhaustion. "Give me a break. I'm not used to having this thing in me."

"You're an asshole." She muttered as she walked out the door.

"Damn it." I groaned, collapsing on the floor. "I can't even speak properly," I mumbled into the floorboards as my face kissed against the wood.

"You should probably cut her some slack." Henry sighed, sitting in the chair behind me. "You have no idea what that demon inside you put her through. All of us through for that matter."

"It wasn't me," I whispered as I tried to roll over on the floor but winched in pain. "I don't even know what you're talking about." I stomped my foot on the ground angrily.

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