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"How beautiful is Noxus?" Bianca smiled at me as we sailed through the crystal clear blue water of this magical world. Her emerald green eyes twinkled in the bright sunlight as her long dark hair blew in the wind.

"It's more beautiful than I realized." I couldn't take my eyes off her natural beauty. I had never taken the time to actually look at her because I was too busy trying not to die by her hand, which strangely enough turns me on more than it should.

"You look different in sunlight." She smiled, looking over her shoulder at me.

"Different, how?" I raised my eyebrow sharply at her.

"Not bad different." She protested, looking concerned. "I just mean different."

"You mean pale, right?" I smirked, shrugging.

She laughed and nodded. "You are very pale, but I just meant different because I can see how blue your eyes are." She pushed her dark hair behind her ear and looked out to the water as she sighed. "Sorry, that was pathetic. Stupid." She whispered under her breath.

I could see how uncomfortable she was standing in front of me now. Her shoulders were slumping, and her eyes were anywhere but on me. "So what I'm hearing from you is I'm a pale annoying idiot with the most gorgeous blue eyes you have ever seen. I knew it. You want me." I nudged her with my shoulder and laughed as she instantly pushed me away. "Just admit it. You've already seen me naked. You want a bit of the Bouchard." I blew her a kiss as she hit my arm hard and then laughed. "That's ok. Everyone does. Ouch, by the way." I rubbed my throbbing arm.

"You really are an idiot." She pushed me away and flicked her dark hair over her shoulder. "Besides, I could do better." She pouted her perfect red lips at me.

"Umm, what's better than this?" I flexed my muscles at her and posed like an idiot.

She tried not to laugh and pressed her lips together. "Ummm, everything?"


"What are you doing?" Callan said, rolling his dark eyes at me.

"Defending, my honor." I posed again with my arms in front of me, muscles on point.

"Bro, stop. You're embarrassing yourself." Callan stood next to Bianca and whispered something in her ear as she smiled.

"You can do that?" Bianca smiled up at him.

"I would for you." Callan winked at her.

Bianca looked back at me and giggled.

"What?" I yelled at them.

Callan started laughing and took Bianca's hand in his. "You really are an idiot." He said, pulling Bianca away from me.

"I think you mean a handsome idiot," I yelled at him. "With beautiful blue eyes."

Bianca looked back at me and smiled before disappearing into the common room.

"Fuck." I yelled in frustration. "Asshole." I kicked the mast in front of me. "Whatever. He can have her."

"Jake, there you are." I heard Henry's voice behind me. "We have an invite from the king to attend the castle. He wishes to meet us and talk about the terms of this contract."

"It's a bit late for negotiations, right?" I scoffed, still frustrated at Callan.

"Yes, but we must give this girl and her family the respect they deserve. It's not our right to judge someone or the situation. I expect you to be on your best behavior." He crossed his arms over his chest and scowled at me.

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