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⚠️Trigger warning. Violence, Abuse⚠️

I felt his hand around my neck squeeze tighter as he yelled in my face. "Did you do as I asked?" He pushed me down to the ground with one hand and leaned over me as he sneered. "Did you hurt the vampire like I told you to?"

"Yes," I whispered as I felt my neck start to crack under the pressure of his grip. "I did as you asked. Please, just leave him alone now. There is no need to hurt him again."

Dominic laughed in my face as I struggled to pull his hand from my neck. "Pathetic." He spat at me below him. "You used to be a mighty fire demon who fought by my side, but now you are weak. Useless, just like you used to be when you were human. You are nothing without me."

I knew he was right. When I first arrived in Hell, I was nothing more than an angry, vengeful soul who had stupidly traded everything to save the life of her true love. The man I thought was my soul mate. How wrong I was. That prick traded my soul for another, and I ended up in the bowels of Hell with nothing but regret, anger, and disappointment. Dominic found me in the deepest pits of Hell, plotting my revenge on those who had wronged me. He saw the pure evil that ran through my veins and agreed to assist me in my plot for death, destruction, and revenge. There was a price, though. A fee for allowing this demon to help me kill the fuckers who wronged me. A price I still pay to this very day.

"You want that vampire to die just like your human did?" Dominic growled in my face. "Do you want to drink the blood of that nightwalker just like you did before?" His smile is what nightmares are made of. The kind of smile you would see at an asylum from the mad and insane inhabitants that scream bloody murder into the night. "You cross me again, and I'll tear him apart from the inside and bathe in his gizzards. Is that what you want?"

"No! Please. I'll behave." I begged, knowing his words were not just a threat. "Don't hurt him. I'll do whatever you want."

"That's my girl." He squeezed my throat tighter before slapping my face and standing up, laughing at my weakness. "Disappointed in you, Bianca. You were sent on that mission to kill the bloodsuckers, not sleep with them. I told you there would be consequences if you screwed this up. The plan was to kill them all and start a war with the Master so he would destroy this world and the human world. You failed."

"If I had killed them all on the ship, Master would have killed me instantly, and you know it." I glared at him as I stood up.

"Small price to pay," Dominic growled. "With these worlds out of my way, I can take over and create my universe to rule. No one could stop me then." He grinned like he was insane and laughed, almost growling, in the back of his throat as my skin crawled with disgust. "Not even you." He grabbed my face and brought it to his. "I would tear you apart right now if I could, but I must be patient. It's not your time to die yet." He pushed me away like I was the most disgusting thing he had ever seen. "I made you into who you are, and I will destroy you if you dare cross me. One word from me and the devil will throw you back into the pits of Hell where you belong. You will be left to rot for eternity just like you were always meant to."

"I did nothing wrong." I protested through gritted teeth. "I brought the girl here just as you requested...."

"You left the girl here alone while you were off fucking that vampire!"

"I didn't fuck anyone!" I screamed at him so loudly my throat hurt. "You promised me if I obeyed you and said nothing, you would leave him...them...all of them alone. I didn't go to the devil even though he knew something was wrong. I said nothing, and I will accept the punishment that will follow this betrayal of my Master, but I will not sit back and let you destroy this world. No matter what you do to me." I felt tears burn my eyes as I walked towards him. "I hate you. I've always hated you, and I will always hate you. I understand my place and the price I must pay for allowing you to manipulate me. You used me to gain power and respect from the Master like I was your servant. I did all the work! I did everything, but you took all the glory." I stood before him as I felt my rage burn out of control with the flames ready to consume my body. "You may be a descendant of our Master, but you are not worthy of his blood. That's why I fight at his side, not you."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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